Process for Checking In/Out Board Games




To ensure that all game pieces in the library’s collection are present, complete, and/or accounted for.


Media students will regularly weigh each game to determine the necessity of a full inventory of its pieces/parts. Any games with missing or broken pieces will be recorded or removed/replaced, depending on the need. All game pieces essential to gameplay will be highlighted on the spreadsheet to determine the playability of games with missing pieces.

Required Knowledge/Skills

Operation of the digital scale, Basic knowledge of Excel, Sierra, Basic reading and counting

Safety Issues/Precautions



Games, checklist of game contents, digital food scale, electronic spreadsheet, Sierra.


1.     Checking OUT a game (May be done at both Circulation and Media desks)

       A.   Consult the label marking the game’s starting weight

       B.    Weigh the game, using the digital scale at the desk

               i.      Press the Power/Tare button to turn the scale on-it should be set to weigh in grams

               ii.     Balance the game on top of the scale, making note of the current weight.

               iii.    If the weight shown on the scale matches the label, continue to check the game out to the patron.

               iv.    If the weight does not match the label, note this on the spreadsheet and inform the patron that there may be a missing piece(s)       

                      a.    If the patron chooses to check out the game anyway, first consult the spreadsheet to make sure no pieces that are essential to gameplay are missing and inform the patron of whether or not the game is still playable.   

                      b.    If the patron decides not to check out the game, the Media student must inventory the game pieces as soon as possible and report any missing or damaged parts on the electronic spreadsheet.

                      c.    All games with missing parts should be immediately reported to a manager.      

                             1)     Place a note on the box, noting which pieces are missing and/or damaged.

                             2)     Place the game on the desk of the stacks manager.

        C.    Scan the patron's card.

        D.    Scan the barcode on the outside of the game's packaging/box

        E.     Demagnetize the security tape.

        F.     Give the patron their due date.

2.     Checking IN a game (Must be done in Media)

        A.     Consult the label marking the game’s starting weight.

        B.      Weigh the game, using the digital scale at the Media desk     

                  i.      Press the Power/Tare button to turn the scale on-it should be set to weigh in grams.

                  ii.     Balance the game on top of the scale, making note of the current weight displayed.

                  iii.    If the weight shown on the scale matches the label, continue to check the game in on Sierra by scanning the barcode located on the outside of the game box/packaging.

                          a.      Re-magnetize the security tape. 

                          b.      Return the game to the games shelf.

                  iv.     If the weight on the scale does not match the label on the game packaging/box, DO NOT check the game back in.

                           a.     Take inventory of the game pieces.

                           b.     Make note of any missing or damaged parts.

                           c.      Update the electronic spreadsheet of any missing/damaged pieces, as well as the current weight

                           d.      Place a note on the game box/packaging.

                           e.      Place the game on the desk of the stacks manager.