Procedure for Proxy Borrowers Cards

Procedure for Proxy Borrowers Cards




To provide Faculty who have Research Assistants the ablity to check out items through their assistant.


This procedure outlines the process for approving research assistants for faculty members and provides them a card for checking out items that the faculty member needs for their research.

Required Knowledge/skills:

Ability to create patron records in the ILS.

Safety Issues/Precautions:



Cards, forms, binder


Cards and Binder: Circ Mgr Procedure

  • Use cards currently used for community borrowers
  • Forms: Kept in S:\CCLS2\Circ Media Admin\Proxy Borrower Forms\
    • Authorization form: faculty version; two sided with Policy on the back
    • Policy form: student/proxy version
    • Print copies: Keep in binder for quick access at desk
  • Binder: set up for files
    • Keep in Circ Office closet
      • Has both signatures and OneCard numbers; security is an issue
    • When paperwork received, file in alphabetical order by faculty last name

Initial paperwork and account creation: Circ Mgr Procedure

  • Faculty member requests form, fills it out, brings it to the Circulation Desk
    • Email (as attachment) to faculty if requested
  • Check faculty OneCard for ID verification
  • Bring up faculty record in ILS and verify information in it as correct; change if incorrect
  • Filled out on form:
    • All faculty information
    • Research student assistant name
    • Proxy barcode number
  • May make copy for faculty if requested; faculty may leave

  • Circ Manager completes information on form using student ILS record

ILS proxy record created with conditions: Circ Mgr Procedure

Example Faculty name: Jane Crusader  (exactly as noted in ILS original record)

Example Student Research Assistant/Proxy Borrower name: Joe Valpo

Please note: It is critical that we are consistent in the creation of these accounts. This consistency allows us to accurately search and track use. Please use the examples in the S:\CCLS2\Circ Media Admin\Proxy Borrower Forms\ folder if you have questions.

  • The faculty record name should be exactly the same as the ILS original record with the additional information as follows:
    Record created in faculty name as exampled: Jane Crusader Proxy 1
  • Patron type code: faculty
  • Expiration date: end of semester (diff than standard faculty card)
  • Address for overdues, etc: faculty email
  • As a Note in faculty patron record:
    Student Name Proxy user until expiration date/end of semester
  • As a Message in faculty patron proxy record:
    Proxy Check for Student ID Student Name

  • Email to student and faculty from moecirc when record is updated and card available student (standard message)

  • File paperwork in binder, alphabetically by faculty last name

Paperwork completed with proxy borrower: Circ Mgr Procedure

  • Student comes in, with Valpo OneCard
    • Identification is confirmed with student
    • Form is retrieved from binder and completed with student’s signature
    • Student is provided a copy of the “student highlighted” Proxy Borrowing info sheet
    • Student is provided the card for use during proxy borrowing; student may leave

  • Circ Manager dates, initials, and files form

  • Email to student and faculty from moecirc when card is received by the student (standard message)

End-of-Academic Year Record Updates: Circ Mgr Procedure

  • Review sheets in binder to determine which faculty have active proxy accounts.
  • Email those faculty indicating that the accounts have expired and that the cards need to be returned.
  • In the ILS, confirm that all proxy borrower names are removed from notes (faculty regular account) and messages (faculty proxy account).
  • Once cards are returned, keep them in envelope within binder so that they can be re-issued as requested for the correct faculty in the next academic year.

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