ASRS Delivered items

ASRS Delivered items




To identify those items that have been delivered from the ASRS.


Run the delivered items filter to identify all of the items that have been scanned out from the ASRS. This list can be used to identify books that may have been shelved in the stacks when they should have gone into the ASRS.

Required Knowledge/Skills

Basic computing skills, filter creation in EMS Control Center

Safety Issues/Precautions

Working with the ASRS is inherently safe as long as the basic safety guidelines all employees are taught in orientation are followed.


 ASRS Workstation


  1. Once a week the ASRS manager should run the Delivered items filter to identify those items that are in the ASRS database but have not been
    scanned into a specific container.
  2. While most of these items will be checked out to patrons, any items that have a status of delivered and are not checked out are either on
    the cart to be stored or have been shelved in the stacks incorrectly.
  3. Begin by logging into the EMS Control Center program with the Administrator profile; Username: Admin, Password: (none).
  4. Click on the Inventory tab.
  5. Click the dropdown box of saved filters and run the Delivered Items preset filter. This filter uses the circulation status option in the
    first dropdown, equal as the second option, and Delivered in the final text box.
  6. All items with a circulation status of Delivered within the Dematic server will now be displayed.
  7. Print out each page of the list.
  8. Look up each item in Sierra to ensure that they are checked out and not simply shelved in the stacks.
  9. If an item is not checked out, a search for the item must begin.
  10. Perform an initial search that should include the stacks, reference, and possibly an inquiry to the Law stacks if the book is a Law book.
  11. If this search is not successful, a traditional search should be initiated by the manager for that item. (See Collection Management:
    Searches procedure for a detailed description.)

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