Status Code Updates




To ensure library records accurately display item availability for Technical Services and patron use.


This Sierra based procedure describes several situations in which the Status Code of an item must be changed and how to correctly do so.

Required Knowledge/Skills

Sierra Circulation software, Microsoft Excel

Safety Issues/Precautions



Computer with Sierra Circulation software and Microsoft Excel, access to shared S:\ drive, password access to Sierra Circulation software, Search Slips (if necessary)


1. S = On Search: When a library item is listed as “Available” on Galileo but patrons are unable to locate it, its status must be updated to “On Search” to indicate that the search procedure is being implemented. A “Search Slip” must be completed. For full Search Procedure, click here: Collection Management Searches

             a. Open Sierra Circulation with a manager's initials and password.

             b. Select the “Search/Holds” from the drop-down menu on the upper right side of the Sierra screen.

             c. Change the small drop-down menu on the left side of the screen to "t TITLE" or "LC CALL #".

             d. Enter the call number or title of the missing item. 

             e. Verify the information that appears (title, author, LC Call #). 

             f. Click the "Hold Selected Item" button, in the center of the screen.

             g. When the "Search for Patron" window appears, change the drop-down menu to “n NAME”.

             h. Type the patron’s name in the empty field and click "Search."

             j. When the “Place Hold for an Available Item” window appears, select the “Place hold and change status to MISSING” option.

             k. On the “Search/Holds by Title” page in Sierra, select “Record    i########” found in the far left side of the screen.

             l. On the far right side of the Sierra screen, double-click on the word “MISSING” in the row field
             labeled “STATUS”.

             m. In the subsequent pop-up window, select “On Search” and click "OK"

             n. On the “Search/Holds by Title” screen, click the “Save” icon at the upper right side of the Sierra screen.

2. M = Missing: This status indicates the search procedure has been completed and the item has not been recovered.o. On the “Search/Holds by Title” screen, click the “Close” button at the top of the window.

             a. Open Sierra Circulation on a computer with a manager's initials and password.

             b. Select the “Search/Holds” from the drop-down menu on the upper right side of the Sierra screen.

             c. Change the small drop-down menu on the left side of the screen to "t TITLE" or "LC CALL #".

             d. Enter the call number or title of the missing item.

             e. Verify the information that appears (title, author, LC Call #).

             f. If the item is on hold for a patron, it must be canceled. 

                          i. Select the tab titled “Item Level Hold(s)” on the far left side of the screen.

                          ii. Highlight the holds by selecting the small square located in the “All” column. A check mark should appear in the small box and the row should become highlighted.

                          iii. Click the “Cancel Hold(s)” button located on the center of the screen. 

                          iv. A pop-up window will appear with several options. Select “Cancel holds and change status to “MISSING”.

                          vi. Yet another pop-up window will appear to notify you that the hold has been canceled. Click “OK”.

                          v. A subsequent pop-up window will appear: “Print cancel hold notice?” Select “No”.

3. N= Billed: Once the due date has passed, the patron has an additional fourteen (14) days to return library materials before
they become billed items.

              a. This status update is automatic. At this point, fines begin to accrue.

              b. When the materials are returned, the amount owed is reset to $0, however, there are a few exceptions in which fines remain on a patron’s account:
                          i. If the item has been recalled

                          ii. If the item is an ASRS/privileged loan

                          iii. If the item is damaged

               c. Go through “Search/Holds” function in Sierra Circulation Software to check the cost of the item.
$= Lost and Paid: The item has been lost and paid for by the responsible patron.

               a. Open the responsible patron’s record in Sierra Circulation.

               b. Click on the “Checked Out Items” tab

               c. Highlight the item that patron has lost
               d. Click “Mark Item Lost” button

               e. Click “Update Bill” on the subsequent pop-up window.

               f. Select the “Fines” tab in the patron’s record.

               g. Collect the money indicated for the lost item located in the “Amount” column on the far right side of the window.
               h. Highlight the item.

               i. Select “Collect Money”

               j. An “Amount to Collect” pop-up window will appear with the dollar amount indicated by Sierra.

                        i. If the amount is correct, click “OK”.

                        ii. If the amount is incorrect, enter the correct dollar amount and then click “OK”.

              k. A “Local Printer Settings” pop-up window will appear.

                        i. Check to make sure the correct printer is selected.

                        ii. Click “Ok”

                        iii. Give receipt to the patron as proof of payment.

5. L= Lost: An item has been declared “missing” for over six (6) months or a patron reports an item lost or damaged beyond repair but has not yet paid for its replacement

             a. Open the responsible patron’s record in Sierra Circulation.

             b. Click on the “Checked Out Items” tab

             c. Highlight the item that patron has lost
             d. Click “Mark Item Lost” button

             e. Click “Update Bill” on the subsequent pop-up window.

             f. Inform the patron that the total amount due will be determined by the Acquisitions Specialist.

             g. Inform Technical Services of the lost item.
6. z = Claims Returned instances: An overdue item is still checked out to a patron, though the patron claims the item has already been returned to the Christopher Center.

            a. Open Sierra Circulation software.

            b. Enter initials to access patron records.

                       i. Select the “Admin” option in the upper left corner of the Sierra Circulation window. 

                       ii. Select the first option: “Set Initials”

                       iii. Enter your initials and password.
            c. Open the patron’s record.

                       i. Select “Circulation Desk” from the menu along the left side of the Sierra Circulation window.

                       ii. Scan the patron’s barcode or manually type the patron’s name. 

                       iii. When manually entering the patron’s name, type the letter “n” before the patron’s last name, a comma, and then the patron’s first name.

                       iv. Example: If searching for Christopher Crusader, type “ncrusader, christopher”    

           d. Once the record is opened, select the “Checked-Out Items” tab below the patron’s information.

           e. Highlight the item in question by left-clicking on it with the computer mouse.

           f. Select “Claim Returned” located just below the “Checked-Out Items” tab.

                       i. In the subsequent pop-up window, select the date on which the patron claims to have returned the item.

                       ii. Another pop-up window will appear and prompt the change of the item’s status.
                       iii. Select the first option, “Check in items (with no fines) and change status to MISSING”