Media Desk

Media Desk




The Media Desk gives an access point for the patrons who are interested in our Media Collection as well as the ability to check out and return materials.


The Media Desk is located on the first floor, next to the IT Helpdesk. From this desk patrons may check out all circulating library materials, ask for directions or help, and Media Student Assistants maintain a place to monitor the security gate before the first floor exit. The desk is also located by the Media collection and the Stager collection, which they will help maintain via shelf reading and shelving. Located behind the Media Desk is the Media Closet which contains our lending equipment. The Electronic Loan Book (ELB) is located on the desktop of the provided computer. Equipment can be scheduled to loan out by Faculty/Staff/Students. We also have a supply of laptops available for student checkout. The Media Reserve shelf is also located behind the Media Desk.

Required Knowledge/Skills:

Current ILS, phone operation, building locations, ELB/Excel spreadsheet, Desensitizers/Sensitizers

Safety Issues/Precautions:

Security gate


Desktop computer, Loan Equipment, cleaning supplies, book desensitizer/sensitizer, Media desensitizer/sensitizer


1. Checking out materials (Non-equipment):

a. Select ‘Circulation Desk’ from the 'Function' options in the dropdown menu located in the upper left corner of Sierra

b. Scan the barcode on the patron's ID.

c. Scan the barcode on the item being checked out.

d. Desensitize item being checked out:

i. Use the blue media sleeve to desensitize media items except for cassette tapes. Green arrows mean out. (Green means “Go”.)

ii. Use the bed sensitizer to desensitize items from the 3rd or 4th floor.

2. Checking in materials (Non-equipment):

a. Select ‘Check In’ from the 'Function' options in the dropdown menu located in the upper left corner of Sierra.

b. Scan the barcode on the item being checked in.

c. Sensitize item being checked in.

i. Use the blue media sleeve to sensitize media items except for cassette tapes. Yellow arrows mean in. (Yellow means “whoa”.)

ii. Use the bed sensitizer to sensitize items from the 3rd or 4th floor.

d. Store item being checked in.

i. Media Items:

1. Media Reserve items are stored by the Library of Congress or Local Call numbers on the small shelves behind the Media Desk.

2. DVDs are stored on the DVD Shelves:

a. Major Motion Pictures are labeled with a blue dot and shelved on the first  blonde shelves, alphabetically
by title.

b. Foreign Films are labeled with a green dot and shelved on the west side of the first set of southern facing blonde shelves,
alphabetically by call number.

c. Academic Films are shelved on the east side of the second set of southern facing blonde shelves, unlabeled, by the Library of
Congress Call Number.

3. VHS are shelved on the second and third blonde shelves by Library of Congress Call Number.

4. Spoken Word and Audio Books are shelved on the southern facing last set of blonde shelves by Library of Congress Call Number.

5. Stager Collection books are shelved on the blonde shelves nearest the Media Desk alphabetically by author's last name.

6. Government Document CD Roms, CD’s and DVDs are stored in the northernmost metal file cabinets along the eastern facing back
wall by SUDOC number.

7. CD Roms (Non-Government Documents) are shelved in the southernmost file cabinets along the eastern facing back wall by Library
of Congress Call Number.

8. CDs are shelved in the middle section of file cabinets along the eastern facing back wall by CDisc number.

9. VU Performance CDs are stored in the locked file cabinets in the middle along the eastern facing back wall by performance date.
The key to the locked cabinets may be found at the Media Desk.

10. Audio Cassettes are shelved in the shortest file cabinet along with the eastern facing back all by Library of Congress and Local
Call Numbers.

11. Games are stored on shelving units in the Media area.

ii. Non Media items may be placed on the metal section of the Media Desk until a replacement comes, and then taken upstairs to the
Circulation Desk and placed on the reshelving carts on the eastern facing wall behind the Circulation Desk.

3. Reserving Media Equipment:

a. Open the “Equipment Loan Book” (ELB) spreadsheet from the desktop.

b. Find the section that equipment being reserved is listed under:

i. Fac-Staff Only Laptops:

1. Laptops that can only be checked out to Faculty or Staff.

ii. Fac-Staff Only Other

1. Data Projectors that can only be checked out to Faculty or Staff.

2. DVD Player that can only be checked out to Faculty or Staff.

iii. Fac- Staff-Student

1. Cassette Players/Recorders that can be checked out to Faculty, Staff, or Students.

2. CD/Tape Player that can be checked out to Faculty, Staff, or Students.

3. Overhead projectors that can be checked out to Faculty, Staff, or Students.

4. Screens that can be checked out to Faculty, Staff, or Students.

5. Tripods that can be checked out to Faculty, Staff, or Students.

6. Student Loan Laptops are not listed on the ELB. See step 4 on how they are checked out.

iv. Fac-Staff-Students w/ Approval

1. Camcorders that can be checked out to Faculty or Staff as well as to Students with Faculty approval.

c. In ELB:

i. Verify that equipment is available during the time requested.

1. Give a one day space between when the item is due and when the next request is made.

ii. If available on the date reserved put down patron information:

1. Patron Name

2. Department or Student ID number

3. Phone Number of the patron

4. The word “Due”. (Equipment circulates for four (4) days. Any change in due date must be cleared with Circulation.)

iii. Save changes made to ELB.

4. Checking out Equipment:

a. From ELB:

i. Check ELB for reservation or availability.

ii. Retrieve equipment from inside of Media Closet along the eastern facing wall.

iii. Select ‘Circulation Desk’ from the 'Function' options in the dropdown menu located in the upper left corner of Sierra.

v. Scan barcode on the item being checked out.

vi. Retrieve “Equipment Loan Form” from “Equipment Loan Form Box” located on Media Desk.

vii. Circle title of equipment, initial, and write in due date on “Equipment Loan Form.”

viii. Have patron fill out patron information on “Equipment Loan Form”.

ix. File “Equipment Loan Form” alphabetically by patron’s last name in “Equipment Loan Form Box”.

x. In ELB highlight the patron’s name under the item going out in blue to indicate that equipment has been picked up by the patron.

xi. Save changes made to ELB.

b. Acer V5131 Series Student Loan Laptops:

i. Acer V5131 Series Student Loan Laptops only go out to current Valparaiso University Students.

ii. Have students read and sign CCLS: In-Library Use Laptop Loan Agreement found in the black binder located on the Media Desk.

iii. Retrieve Acer V5131 Series Student Loan Laptop and cord from inside of Media Closet along the eastern facing wall. (Student
Loan Laptops are not in a bag.)

iv. Select ‘Circulation Desk’ from the 'Function' options in the dropdown menu located in the upper left corner of Sierra.

v. Scan barcode on patrons ID.

vi. Scan barcode on the item being checked out.

vii. Inform Student that Acer V5131 Series Student Loan Laptop:

1. Cannot leave the building.

2. Are due one (1) hour before building closes.

viii. Write down the Student's name and the barcode on the back of the Student ID.

ix. Circle the number of the Acer V5131 Series Student Loan Laptop checked out to them.

x. Mark with an “x” that you have given them a cord.

xi. Write down the date and time that the Acer V5131 Series Student Loan Laptop was checked out.

xii. Initial line of “Staff Initials”.

xiii. Place CCLS: In-Library Use Laptop Loan Agreement in black folder under the tab that reflects the number of the Acer V5131
Series Student Loan Laptop that has been checked out.

5. Checking In Equipment:

a. From ELB:

i. Select ‘Check In’ from the 'Function' options in the dropdown menu located in the upper left corner of Sierra.

ii. Check that all cords and equipment is included in the item.

iii. Scan the barcode on the item being checked in.

iv. Retrieve “Equipment Loan Form” from “Equipment Loan Form Box” located on the media Desk and initial that everything has been
returned with the item.

v. Place item and completed “Equipment Loan Form” on the return shelves inside of Media Closet along the western facing wall.

vi. Find the entry for the item in the ELB.

vii. Change the word “Due” to “In” and highlight yellow.

viii. Save changes made to ELB.

b. Acer V5131 Series Student Loan Laptops:

i. Select ‘Check In’ from the 'Function' options in the dropdown menu located in the upper left corner of Sierra.

ii. Check that all cords and equipment is included in the item.

iii. Scan the barcode on the item being checked in.

iv. Retrieve CCLS: In-Library Use Laptop Loan Agreement for the item from the black binder located on the Media Desk.

v. Write down the return date and time that the Acer V5131 Series Student Loan Laptop was returned.

vi. Mark with an “x” that a cord was returned.

vii. Initial line of “Staff Initials”.

viii. Take Acer V5131 Series Student Loan Laptop into Media closet and place on black tech cart inside the door.

ix. Plug cord into an outlet on the black tech cart and the Acer V5131 Series Student Loan Laptop.

x. Login using your LDAP username and password.

xi. Check that there are no problems ore extraneous files on Acer V5131 Series Student Loan Laptop.

xii. Log off.

xiii. If there are no issues allow Acer V5131 Series Student Loan Laptop to recharge is necessary.

xiv. If there are issues contact the Circulation Manager and describe the problem. Let Acer V5131 Series Student Loan Laptop recharge if necessary.

xv. Once Acer V5131 Series Student Loan Laptop is recharged return it to its shelf in the Media Closet along the eastern facing shelves. (The number on the Acer V5131 Series Student Loan Laptop does not matter for storage, as we want them to go out evenly.)

6. Security Gate:

a. If the Security Gate alarm goes off:

i. Ask the patron to reenter the library.

ii. Check for any items that may have set off the Security Gate alarm:

1. Library items not checked out/desensitized.

2. Items from other libraries.

3. Items from other stores.

iii. Verify check out of library materials.

iv. Desensitize items that set off the Security Gate alarm.

7. Guest Login.

a. See Guest Login Procedure.

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