Changing Phone messages on Circulation Desk Phones

Changing Phone messages on Circulation Desk Phones




This is how to change the phone messages when there are updates to hours or the phone tree if the standardized information needs to be adjusted


The Circulation desk has two separate phone lines running in and both lines need to have accurate information on them. Although the messaging on both phones is generalized there are times when the information that is presented needs to be changed temporarily.

Required Knowledge/Skills

Access to accounts spreadsheet on sdrive.

Safety Issues/Precautions



Campus phone and prompt numbers found on sdrive



  1. For x5366 using the information in the accounts spreadsheet follow the instructions provided by the call piolet system.
  2. For 5500 using the information excluding the Prompt ID change the welcome message. To change the hours message use the following instructions for changing outgoing voicemail message.
  3. To change the Voicemail message for 5500 use the mailbox number and password found on the accounts spreadsheet.
  4. Use these phone scripts:

     Welcome Message:


        You have reached the Christopher Center for Library and information resources. Please listen to the following options: for hours please press 1, to speak to a staff member please press 2, for Library Administration please press 3,

         for Archives please press 4, for Interlibrary Loan please press 5, for the Access and Accommodations Resource Center please press 6, for the IT help desk please press 7, for the Academic Success Center please press 8,

         and for the Writing Center please press 9.

           Library hour’s message:

          Normal fall and spring semester hours are as follows: Monday –Thursday 7:30am -2:00am, Friday 7:30 am- 9:00pm, Saturday 9:00am-6:00pm, and Sunday 10:00am -2:00am.

          Normal summer semester hours are as follows: Monday-Thursday 7:30am-10:00pm, Friday 7:30am-5:00pm Saturday and Sunday closed

         Our complete calendar including holidays and breaks is available on your computer or tablet at: library.valpo.edu/hours

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