Overview Media Collection




To briefly describe the location and set up of the Christopher Center’s Media Collection.


The Media Collection is located on the 1st floor of the Christopher Center. The materials

Required Knowledge/Skills

Basic knowledge of Christopher Center building and Library of Congress classification system

Safety Issues/Precautions





1. Layout: The Media Collection is comprised of several different types of materials that are shelved on the 1st floor of the Christopher Center.

             a. The Stager Collection

                        i. Fiction and Nonfiction books that are not specifically for academic use

                        ii. The Stager Collection is located on the North-South oriented shelving unit across from Grinders coffee shop.

                        iii. The books have “Stager Collection” stickers on their spines and are shelved alphabetically by author’s last name.

                        iv. The collection begins in the upper left corner on the south side of the shelving unit facing Grinders. The collection continues north until the end of the shelving unit is reached.

                        The collection then continues in the upper corner on the other side of the shelving unit and ends in the lower right corner on the south side facing the Audiobook shelves.

            b. Major Motion Picture DVDs

                        i. Major Motion Pictures are labeled with a blue dot and shelved on the first set of north facing blonde shelves.

                        ii. They are shelved alphabetically by title.

           c. Foreign Film DVDs

                        i. Foreign Films are labeled with a green dot and shelved on the west side of the first set of southern facing blonde shelves.

                        ii. They are shelved alphabetically by title.

           d. Academic DVDs

                        i. Academic Films are shelved on the east side of the first set of southern facing blonde shelves, unlabeled, by Library of Congress Call Number.

           e. VHS Tapes

                        i. VHS are shelved on the south side of the third blonde shelves, by Library of Congress Call Number.

           f. Audio Books

                        i. Spoken Word and Audio Books are shelved on the southern facing last set of blonde shelves by Library of Congress Call Number.

           g. CD-Rom, Government Documents, Audio CDs, Audio cassettes, Educational Kits

                        i. Government Document CD Roms, CD’s and DVDs are stored in the northern most metal file cabinets along the eastern facing back wall, by SUDOC number.

           h. CD Roms (Non-Government Documents) are shelved in the eastern most file cabinets along the eastern facing back wall, by Library of Congress Call Number.

           i. CDs are shelved in the middle section of file cabinets along the eastern facing back wall, by Disc number.

           j. VU Performance CDs are stored in the locked file cabinets in the middle along the eastern facing back wall, by performance date. The key to the locked cabinets may be found at the Media Desk.

           k. Audio Cassettes are shelved in the shortest file cabinet along the eastern facing back all, by Library of Congress and Local Call Numbers.

           l. Educational Kits are shelved on the wire racks along the eastern facing back all by Library of Congress Call Numbers.

           m. Board Games

                       i. Games are stored on the Gondola at the base of the Grand Stair case.

2. Maintenance

            a. Circulation Student Assistants essential to the maintenance of this collection.

            b. Each semester, the Media Collection is shelf-read and the shelves are dusted as described in the Shelf Reading Procedure.

            c. Shifting projects are determined by the Stacks Maintenance Manager.