Large donation physical processing

Large donation physical processing


Subject Liaisons, Technical Services, Circulation


This policy outlines the procedure for processing large gifts to be added to the lending collection that will need to be stored in the ASRS until they have been processed by the liaisons and technical services.


Currently, there is little guidance as to how large donations are handled after the Library administration has accepted them. Due to limited staffing and the new gift book procedure, creating a specific process for the large donations that will allow subject liaisons and Technical Services to easily incorporate these donations into their regular workflow will make a more efficient way to process the more significant donations.

Required Knowledge/Skills

Access to Sierra, OCLC, Large donation spreadsheet in Google Drive, knowledge of the ASRS

Safety Issues/Precautions

The ability to lift boxes into the ASRS


Computer with access to appropriate programs


  1. Upon agreeing to accept a large donation (designated as two boxes or more), the Administrative assistant will notify the necessary faculty and staff which will include Technical Services, Circulation, and the Subject Liaison that the donation will be coming in.
  2. Circulation will create a bib record and identify enough empty bins for the donation. The administrative assistant will then notify faculty and staff once they know the approximate drop-off date. 
  3. The donation will be delivered to the ASRS sorting area or other location designated by Administration, and/or Technical Services.
  4. Once the donation has been dropped off Circulation or technical services will create basic item records for each box. 
  5. The boxes will then be moved immediately into the ASRS and information will be added to the donation sheet under the liaison tab. 
  6. Each donation will include the following information Title: Last name of the donor, Bib record number, Number of boxes originally stored, Store date M/Y, and Final pull date. This will allow Library Administration to see how long these donations are in the ASRS unprocessed if it is needed by University Administration.
  7. Circulation will pull boxes out and based on liaison requests will either just do a Sierra and OCLC search or include a check of its condition. 
  8. Any item that doesn’t meet Better World Books standards will be discarded at this time unless directed otherwise by the liaison. 
  9. Once boxes are checked they will be returned to the ASRS  
  10. Liaisons will be able to either request a box or have circulation request a box that can be put onto their gift shelves for consideration to be added to the collection.

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