

Circulation & Research Services


In October 2013, we began soft-launch trial use of LibraryH3lp for our chat software. Ruth set up the trial; Becca and she coordinated access and training for all Circulation Managers and all librarians who are interested in participating. More information about LibraryH3lp can be found at

For our use Fall 2013, here are the parameters as agreed upon by those of us staffing the service:

The shared username and password for use by the Circulation Managers can be found at S:\CCLS\Circulation & Media\Admin\Admin documentation\Accounts.xlsx

Staffed Hours

Circulation Managers will be logged in as early as possible at the start of the workday/their shifts.

Within reason, it would be useful to have the Circulation Managers logged in until two hours prior to close:

Hours should be adjusted accordingly during interim and holidays.

Transfers to subject librarians

Within the help/question mark portion of an active chat window, there will be standard referral language to use when transferring a patron to a subject librarian. This is the same language used in other like-transactions (such as from Ask Us! emails).


All are reminded to enter the use statistics in the Patron Interaction form.