


Circulation & Research Services


In October 2013, we began soft-launch trial use of LibraryH3lp for our chat software. Ruth set up the trial; Becca and she coordinated access and training for all Circulation Managers and all librarians who are interested in participating. More information about LibraryH3lp can be found at http://libraryh3lp.com/customer-dashboard.

For our use Fall 2013, here are the parameters as agreed upon by those of us staffing the service:

The shared username and password for use by the Circulation Managers can be found at S:\CCLS\Circulation & Media\Admin\Admin documentation\Accounts.xlsx

Staffed Hours

Circulation Managers will be logged in as early as possible at the start of the workday/their shifts.

Within reason, it would be useful to have the Circulation Managers logged in until two hours prior to close:

Hours should be adjusted accordingly during interim and holidays.

Transfers to subject librarians

Within the help/question mark portion of an active chat window, there will be standard referral language to use when transferring a patron to a subject librarian. This is the same language used in other like-transactions (such as from Ask Us! emails).


All are reminded to enter the use statistics in the Patron Interaction form.