Student Termination

Student Termination




To provide a consistent plan for student termination


Providing a consistent plan for termination of student staff when that becomes necessary

Required Knowledge/Skills:


Safety Issues/Precautions:



Access to student files, and access to CCLS2


1. When it is determined by circulation managers that a student assistant's employment needs to be terminated, the manager will fill out the Student Termination Form found in S:\CCLS2\Circ Media Stuaid Quiz & Evals\Student Evaluating & Disciplining

2. The circulation manager who will be handling the termination process will contact the student in question and set up a meeting.

3. At the meeting, the manager will go over the infraction(s) that are the cause of the employment termination with the student.

4. The student will have the opportunity to read the employment termination explanation as well as go through their file to determine if they would like us to provide a reference or recommendation in the future.

5. Once the student has gone through their employment file they will either sign the FERPA form at the bottom removing our right to provide a reference or sign allowing a reference.

6. The FERPA form, as well as the Termination Form, is placed in the student file where it will be kept for Five (5) years after employment.

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