List of Students Who Have Worked

List of Students Who Have Worked




The Christopher Center keeps a full list of all students who have worked, the years of employment, and the department in
which they worked


Every semester the Library Employment Coordinator will update the list of students who have worked in Library Services

Required Knowledge/Skills:

Basic excel

Safety Issues/Precautions:



Current List of students found at S:\CCLS\Circulation & Media\Student Workers\List of All Student Assistants
Who's Ever Worked


1. At the start of every semester after hiring, including Summer Sessions the Employment Coordinator will open the List of All
Students Who’ve Ever Worked

2. At the end of the list add all students who have been hired for the semester in all CCLS departments. Filling out name, Semester and Year of hire, as well as the department(s) in which they worked.

3. After adding the new students the Employment Coordinator will go through the spreadsheet and add ending dates for all students who have Graduated or have left Library Employment.

4. Fill in the notes field as necessary.

5. If a student leaves in the middle of a semester enter the information in the Excel spreadsheet at the time of the student leaving. Providing notes as to why the student left in the middle of the semester.

6. Sort entire excel sheet by Last Name(column A)