Stacks Maintenance: Shelf Reading

Stacks Maintenance: Shelf Reading




This procedure describes how to properly maintain the library materials in the building. It ensures accuracy of our library catalog as well as keeps the stacks orderly and clean.


Students are typically charged with this activity but they will need to be trained by a Circulation Manager. Shelf reading is the act of removing books materials from the shelves in a specific location, correcting the order of the materials based on the Library of Congress cataloging system, dusting the empty shelf, and returning the books to the appropriate location. Students are expected to shelf read for twenty (20) minutes per every hour of work. For example, a Circulation Student Assistant that works for three (3) hours is expected to shelf read for sixty (60) minutes. A Media Student Assistant is expected to shelf read for twenty (20) minutes per shift. For example, a Media Student Assistant that works for three (3) hours is expected to shelf read for twenty (20) minutes.

To refer to a more comprehensive version of this procedure with descriptive figures, follow this pathway:
S:\CCLS\Circulation & Media\Admin\Wiki for Circ\Procedures completed\Collection management\Shelf Reading Procedure.pdf

Required Knowledge/Skills

Basic understanding of the CCLIR (building) layout, access to Swap Site, basic knowledge of Swap Site, comprehensive understanding of Library of Congress cataloging system

Safety Issues/Precautions

Moderate to heavy lifting, twisting, and bending may all be involved with this activity.


Book cart, dust rag, computer with internet access, pen or pencil, piece of scrap paper, watch or other time telling device


1. Log on to a computer with internet access.

2. Using a web browser of your choice, access the Swap Site at https://apps.valpo.edu/swapsite/

3. Log in to Swap Site using your university username and password (ex. how you would log in to Blackboard, DataVU, etc.)

4. Once you have successfully logged in to Swap Site, select the “Library Task List” option located second from the right on the silver, horizontal menu across the top of the screen.

             a. If you are working at the Main Circulation Desk, select the “Shelf Reading (Circulation)” option in the drop down menu.

             b. If you are working at the Media Desk, select the “Shelf Reading (Media)” option in the drop down menu.

5. You will be redirected to a page that has “Shelf Reading (Circulation)” across the top with a three columned list populated below it.

6. Take note of the top most entry listed for the floor you will be shelf-reading on.

             a. The floor you will shelf-read on is determined either by the time that your shift begins or where you are in your training.

                          i. The sheet which lists the floors designated for the time of your shift is posted on the Reserve shelf in front of the Day Manager's desk.

                          ii. All newly trained students will shelf-read in the 2nd floor Reference section, until notified by the Stacks Manager.

7. Write down the top most entry for the correct floor, under the “Call Number Ended” column. (Ex. RJ 499.3 H356 1997 v.4).

            a. This is your starting point.

8. Take a dust rag and Ipad, located on top of the Hold Shelf behind the Main Circulation Desk. The Hold Shelf is located beneath the security monitors in the northeast corner of the desk area.

9. Bring the dust rag, pen or pencil, and scrap paper with LC Call Number with you to your starting point in the stacks.

10. Once you have located the starting point, take a book cart from the end of one of the aisles and bring it to the starting point.

11. Beginning with the row directly after the LC Call Number you have written on your scrap piece of paper:

            a. Remove the books from the shelf and place them on cart.

                      i. Remove only one (1) row of books at a time.

            b. Use the dry dust rag to thoroughly wipe down the empty row as well as the metal book end.

            c. Carefully go through each book on the cart and make sure they are in LC Call Number order.

            d. Return them to the empty row.

                      i. The spines of the books should be lined up along the outer edge of the shelf.

                      ii. There should be some space between the metal book end and the end of the row itself.

                      iii. Books that are too tall to fit in the row should be placed on their spines.

            e. Using the Ipad, record a video of the shelf you just read.

                      i. Be sure to frame the video close enough so that all call numbers are readable and the edge of the shelf is visible, in order to document proper facing of books.

                      ii. Pan slowly so that the video is approximately 15-30 seconds long.

            f. Move to the next row and repeat step 10a – e.

            g. Change the Ipad's camera setting from "Video" to "Picture". Take a single snapshot of the call number for the last book in the last row you shelf-read.

11. Once your time is up, write down the complete LC Call Number of the last book in the row.

12. Return the book cart to the end of the aisle from which you took it.

13. Gather the dust rag, pen or pencil, and scrap paper.

14. Return to the Main Circulation Desk.

15. Log in to Swap Site.

           a. Click on the “Library Task List” option.

           b. Click “Shelf Reading (Circulation).

           c. Click the blue link that reads “Add New Row” beneath the title of the page.

           d. Type the complete LC Call Number in the appropriate field and type the correct number of minutes spent shelf reading.

           e. Click “Save Entry”.

           f. Log out of Swap Site.

16. Fold dust rag and return it to its place above the hold shelf.

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