Adding items to the ASRS

Adding items to the ASRS




To store new items in the ASRS system.

Required Knowledge/Skills:

Knowledge of the ASRS System

Safety Issues/Precautions:



ASRS computers


  1. When logged into the Admin side of the Dematic software choose the Inventory tab.
  2. At the bottom of the page click on ‘Add Inventory’
  3. In the Item box scan in the barcode of the item being added
  4. Add the Title and Call number in the appropriate boxes
  5. On the Bin type drop-down menu choose ML-8
  6. On the Bin height drop-down menu choose the appropriate height for the book if they are 12 inches or under place them in a 12-inch bin.
  7. On the Storage type drop-down menu choose random storage unless otherwise told. Faculty Authored items will always be stored in dedicated bins.
  8. Go into the Activate Store tab and follow the Activate Store process.

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