Verbal warning

Verbal warning




Verbal Warnings are the first step in the student disciplinary process. This procedure is to allow the managers to understand what the student did to merit a verbal warning. It allows the student a supported means by which their performance can improve.


This procedure outlines the processes that impact the student assistant, the Supervising Circulation Manager, and the Student Employment Manager. It provides supportive information for all parties of expectations and consequences.

Required Knowledge/Skills:

Access to CCLS2 and Student personnel files.

Safety Issues/Precautions:





1. The Verbal Warning and Performance Improvement Plan templates can be found in S:\CCLS2\Circ Media Stuaid Quiz & Evals\Student Evaluating & Disciplining.

2. Fill out the warning as follows:

Harry Potter has received a verbal warning for making Polyjuice potion without permission
On: (Date of Incident)07/15/2015 They have been advised that another occurrence (may/will)[Please delete either may or will depending on what you as a manager has told the student will be the next step in the disciplinary process] result in a written warning.

If the warning is due to an unexcused absence make the adjustment in the swap site at the time of the absence.

3. Working with the Student Employment Manager, the Supervising Manager will create a Performance Improvement Plan for the student assistant. This should be done as quickly as possible following the incident.

4. The student is notified via email or phone that they will need to schedule a meeting with the Supervising Manager to discuss the infraction. This meeting can take place during their regular schedule provided that their next shift is in a reasonable time. It is important to talk to the student as soon after the infraction as possible. The Student Employment Manager may choose to be present as well.

5. During the meeting, the Supervising Manager should provide a copy of the Performance Improvement Plan (first two pages) for the student. The Supervising Manager should allow the student time to read the front page of the PIP, asking if the student has questions about why there is need for this.

6. The student and Supervising Manager should review the PIP together, the manager emphasizing that this is intended to not only improve the working situation but to provide the student with support in doing so.

7. Once the Supervising Manager has spoken to the student and has signed and dated the warning and the PIP, the verbal warning will be placed in the student personnel folder and the rest of the managers will be notified via email that a verbal warning has been issued.

8. The Supervising Manager will then work the PIP with the student during the timeline. Other Managers may also be involved as the student may have working hours during their shifts. All supervisory insights and comments should be made on the appropriate page of the PIP.

9. At the end of the PIP timeline, the Supervising Manager will meet with the Student Employment Manager to discuss the conclusion of the PIP and any resulting changes or training that needs to be addressed.

10. The Supervising Manager will then meet with the student assistant to review the PIP conclusions. The Student Employment Manager may choose to be at the meeting.

11. Following the meeting, the paperwork will be completed and filed within the student's personnel file.

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