Student Orientation

Student Orientation




To provide new Circulation students a broad overview of the Circulation area and the job.


The Library Student Employment Coordinator provides a brief tour of the Circulation area as well as a quick over view of all
student circulation responsibilities. The Student Coordinator will also hand out all necessary forms at this time.

Required Knowledge/Skills:

Knowledge of Circulation Area as well as knowledge of Student Circulation Responsibilities; all necessary forms


New Student Hire packet, Student Reminders, Sub Availability Schedule, FERPA release, and Updated checklist. All can be found at: S:\CCLS\Circulation & Media\Student Workers\New Student Paper work


1. Prior to receiving HR notification for new hires print out all forms for each of the new hires.

2. When notification for new hires are received, contact the student(s) and schedule orientation.

a. Allow 30 minutes for orientation

3. When the student comes in immediately after having them punch in, go over each of the forms with them. All forms should be
turned in by the end of the first week.

a. New Hires: the Student Employment Policy Handbook

b. FERPA: The form that will allow us to provide recommendations.

i. Inform the student that if this is not signed we are unable to provide any type of recommendation.

c. Student Reminder: A list of the policies that students most often forget

d. Sub Availability Schedule: The chart that the students fill out to indicate their availability to work for another student.

4. Starting in the ASRS sorting area, use the updated checklist to tour the circulation area explaining basic duties.

5. The circulation tour will end with an ASRS demonstration if possible/requested.

6. Inform the new student that more in depth training will occur while working their normal schedule.

7. Once the Orientation is completed then the student can start working with their next scheduled shift.

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