Deleting Reserve Lists




Deleting a Course Reserve when it has reached its end date


Items from the Course Reserve are removed from the Course list and the Reserve shelves and returned to their proper location.

Required Knowledge/Skills


Safety Issues/Precautions



Sierra, Campus Mail envelopes, Reserve Explanation Sheet, Online Directory


1. Print the Course Reserve list from Sierra.

          a. Using the drop-down menu on the upper right side of the screen, choose “Course Reserves”.

          b. Look up expired course by either

                     i. p: for Professors name

                     ii. r: for Course title

          c. Click “Print” button on the upper right of the Sierra screen

          d. From the Select Standard Printer screen:

                    i. Select “Local Printer”

                    ii. Click “OK” on the left side of the Select Standard Printer screen

                    iii. Select “ \\officeprinters\CLR-Guest-29044 “ from the Print (Standard Printer) screen.

                    iv. Change number of copies in the lower right of the Print (Standard Printer) screen to 2.

                    v. Click Print button on the lower right of the Printer (Standard Printer) screen

2. Using Course Reserve print out remove all items from Course Reserve shelves.

3. After verifying that all items have been removed click the “All” button on the center left of the Course Reserve screen.

4. Click the “Remove Items” button in the middle of the Course Reserve Screen.

5. Click “Yes’ on the “Remove selected items?” screen.

6. Click “OK” on the “RESULT” screen.

7. Click “Yes” on the “Question” screen to delete the Course Reserve record.

8. Click “Yes’ on the “Warning” screen.

9. Remove Reserve Tape from spine of book and discard.


           a. Remove Reserve Time Limit slip.

           b. Return removed items to their correct location.

                     i. All books are placed on the Shelving Carts dependent upon their Call Number

                     ii. Media Items are placed on the Media Shelving Cart

                     iii. ASRS Items are placed on the red ASRS Shelving Cart

                     iv. Reference Items are placed on the Second Floor Shelving Cart


           a. Paperwork for item:

                     i. If a book Remove Reserve Time Limit slip with bar code and placed to the side in a pile

                     ii. If a media item removed pocket with bar code and place to the side in a pile

                     iii. If a file removed item from file and place to the side in a pile

          b. Place the items removed from Course Reserve Shelves into pile according to Professor who placed item(s) on reserve.

          c. Place unmarked copy of Course Reserve print out with items

          d. See Deleting Reserve Records for further information

12. If all items are from the Christopher Center:

          a. Place an unmarked Course Reserve print out and a Reserve Explanation sheet (Found in a manila folder located by the boxes of Reserve Folders on the North wall of Circulation) into a Campus Mail envelope

          b. Look up Professor in the Online Directory ( and address Campus Mail envelope correctly

          c. Place Campus Mail envelope into Campus Mail

13. See Returning Personal Items for further information