Claims returned

Claims returned




This procedure provides the steps taken when a patron submits a Claims returned form.


It sometimes happens that library patrons report they have already returned an item that the library circulation system indicates is checked out to them. In these cases, known as “claims returned”, the library makes every effort to work with patrons to locate the item. These searches are a high priority. Items remain on patron accounts during the claims returned period.

Required Knowledge/Skills:

Access to FOLIO, Claims returned response sheet

Safety Issues/Precautions:



Computer, Login


1. If a patron contacts the Circulation Department in person or over the phone to claim an item was returned, the manager on duty will direct them to fill out the "File a Claim" form. This form is linked form several places on the website (Forms and  Circulation Policies) and there is an email template (Claims Return 1...)in the library@valpo.edu account with the relevant information. Verbal reports will not be accepted; we must have written documentation of the timing and notification. The form requires patrons to read and acknowledge information about the claims returned process:

The Circulation department will designate a "claims returned" status on the item for a limited period of (4 weeks). During this time period, Circulation staff and the patron share the responsibility of locating a library item. although overdue notices will not longer be sent, the item remains checked out to the patron. Circulation will search the library's collection at regular intervals.  The patron, in turn, is expected to thoroughly search their room, home, office, etc. for the item. The Library maintains a systematic charging and discharging procedure. incoming items are discharged once at the circulation desk and then a second time before they are re-shelved. This double -discharging procedure significantly reduces error on the library's part. If the "claims returned" item is not located at the end of the four-week search period then the item will revert to its original "loaned" status, and the patron assumes responsibility for replacing he item. The patron will be notified of the status at the end of the four-week search period. The patron then assumes responsibility for replacing the item.

    The form generates an email to both the library (subject: "Claims Returned Notification Received") and the patron (subject: "File a Claim").

2. Once the emailed claim is received, the circulation manager on duty will go into the stacks (before responding to the patron email) to see if the item is shelved in the correct location or surrounding shelves (in case the item was mis-shelved). If the item is found, respond to the patron with apologies for the inconvenience and check the item into the catalog. If the item is not found, move to the next step (no patron response is needed at this time).

3. Mark the item with claims returned status in FOLIO. To do so, go into the patron record, look for the loans section, select the relevant loan, and select "Claim Return" Note that patrons will no longer receive circulation notices (and notices are not generated when an item is marked claims returned); this information is included in the "I understand" section patrons have to selectin order to submit the form, so it is not necessary to mention it again.

4. Fill out a priority search slip, marking the claims returned selection. On the back of the of the search slip the manager will mark the status as either checked out or billed depending on the current status of the item.

5. FOLIO does not block patrons with claims returned items unless those items age to lost. The following number of lost items by a patron type will trigger a patron block: faculty (5), staff and students (2), family/alumni/fee (1). During the claims returned period, override lost item blocks for claims returned items for students, staff, and faculty (but not family/alumni/fee borrowers).

6. If an item is not found after we have finished the full search process (at least four searches over a period of no less than four weeks), the circulation manager in charge of stacks will email Acquisitions (Rachel Volk) with a link to the item's locate record and ask for a replacement cost. Once replacement cost is received, find the original email report in the library@valpo.edu account (with the subject "Claims Returned Notification Received") and respond to the patron with the results of the search, including the among owed (replacement plus processing). The circulation manager will then update the bill in FOLIO to be sent out.

7. If the item is found during the search process, respond to the patron with apologies for the inconvenience and check the item into the catalog. Waive any associated fines (if applicable) on the patron's account.


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