Ellucian Holds

Ellucian Holds




To retrieve items that have not been returned by graduating seniors, we notify them via email. If the items are not returned, we place a hold on their transcripts and diploma.


Graduating seniors with items borrowed and not returned or overdue fines are notified of their account status via email. If the items are not returned by the designated date, a hold will be placed on their transcripts/diplomas. When the items are returned/fines paid the holds are removed

Required Knowledge/Skills:

Colleague Access, typing

Safety Issues/Precautions:



Computer, Colleague access, Sierra, list or graduating seniors



1. Contact the Registrars’ Office via email (registrar@valpo.edu) approximately four (4) weeks before graduation and ask for the
list of graduating seniors for the current term. When received, share the list with the Interlibrary Loan manager.

2. Check the names on the list in Millennium to see who still has items out or fines.

3. When you receive the list back from Interlibrary Loan, send the following message to seniors with items out/fines from the
moecirc@valpo.edu email account (with everyone emailed bcc’ed):

a. “Your name appears on the \[May/Dec\] Graduation list. You also have item(s) still checked out/fines from the Christopher Center or Interlibrary Loan. This/These item(s) will need to be returned/fines paid before the end of the current session \[(Date)\] or a hold will be placed on your record which will block you from receiving your transcripts and/or diploma. No actions will be taken until noon on [(Last Day of Semester)\]. If there are any questions please reply to Moecirc@valpo.edu.

i. Change the items in brackets ([]) to the correct answer

4. Within two (2) weeks, check the list again. Anyone with items still checked out will receive the same email as in step 2.

5. The final week of the semester, check the list again.

6. Mark down any items checked out and search the stacks.

7. On the last day of the semester, anyone who still has items checked out and is graduating will have a hold placed on their
record in Colleague.

Placing a Hold

8. Login to Colleague (https://colleague.valpo.edu:8242/ui/home/index.html) using your LDAP username and password.

9. In the “Form Search” box in the upper left of the Colleague screen type in ‘PERC’ and select “PERC: Personal Restrictions”.

10. Enter either students ID number or last name, first name. (ID number will take you straight to their record, while name may
give you several options.)

11. Select and ‘OPEN’ the correct student.

12. Under the “Restrictions” column, find an empty box and type in three (3) ellipses (…) and press the “Enter” key on keyboard.

13. While holding the shift key, select options “LI” and then click the “Open” button.

14. Click the button labeled “Save”.

15. Click the button labeled “Update”.

16. If a screen comes up that reads: “A list of records is active, discard entire list, go to previous record, go to next record or
jump to a record?” click the button marked “Discard”.

17. Using either the students ID number or name, open their account in Millennium.

18. Click the button marked “Edit”.

19. Click the button marked “Insert”.

20. Change the option to letter “M” for message.

21. Input the current message: “Hold placed on transcripts/diploma.” 

22. Add in today’s date and your initials.

23. Click “OK”,

24. Click the button labeled “Save/Close”.

25. When done in Colleague click the button marked “Finish”, and logout of the program.

26. When all holds are placed, contact students with holds from the moecirc@valpo.edu email account (with everyone emailed bcc’ed)
with the following message:

a. “A hold has been placed on your record due to Overdue/Checked out items from either the Christopher Center, Interlibrary Loan,
or the Law Library. This hold will be removed when the items are returned/fines paid. If there are any questions please contact
moecirc@valpo.edu .”

Removing a hold

27. Login to Colleague (http://adminvu.valpo.edu:8083/production/sl/index.htm) using your LDAP username and password.

28. In the “Form Search” box in the upper left of the Colleague screen type in ‘PERC’ and select “PERC: Personal Restrictions”.

29. Enter either students ID number or last name, first name. (ID number will take you straight to their record, while name may
give you several options.)

30. Select and ‘OPEN’ the correct student.

31. Under the “Restrictions” column, find the restrictions marked “LI”.

32. Under the column marked “End”, enter today’s date.

33. Click the button marked “Save”.

34. Click the button marked “Update”

35. Using either the students' ID number or name, open their account in Millennium.

36. Click the button marked “Edit”.

37. Change the message entry (M) to a Note and add “Removed.”, today’s date, and your initials.

38. Click “OK”.

39. Click the button labeled “Save/Close”.

40. When done in Colleague click the button marked “Finish”, and logout of the program.

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