Circulation Student Hiring

Circulation Student Hiring




To provide guidelines and a timeline to make sure that there are enough students to cover both desks during all hours of operation.


This procedure gives an approximate timeline for hiring all circulation students

Required Knowledge/Skills:

Safety Issues/Precautions:



Current Student Employment applications


1. Have applications available at the time of scheduling.

2. Prior to scheduling the Employment Coordinator should contact all Library Services Supervisors outside of circulation to find
out their hiring needs.

3. Once Scheduling concludes, assess the needs of circulation as well as the needs of the other departments.

4. Start contacting prospective students at the following times.

a. Summer: At the end of April

b. Fall: July for August interviews

i. If needed, allow for impromptu interviews during FOCUS

c. Spring: Beginning of December

5. Provide applications to all departments using the Department hours as a guideline for fit, along with required knowledge if

6. If possible schedule Circulation interviews prior to the start of the following semester.

7. Schedule student interviews as appropriate per opening.

8. Notify all students who do not receive an interview via email.

9. After interviews check references if possible.

10. Notify all students who have interviewed of employment status.

11. Fit all students who are hired into the schedule.

a. After the first-semester scheduling, students will then schedule their own hours.

12. Fill out Student Request Form See: Hiring Paperwork Procedure

13. When Student paperwork has been completed by HR and Payroll new student hires can then be scheduled for orientation.