Probation, Dismissal, Suspension, and Expulsion Reporting and Student Processing
Probation – Student is placed on Probation, Academic Warning, or Prewarning
Dismissal – Student is dismissed from their program
Suspension – Student is suspended from their college
Expulsion – Student is expelled from the university
Shortly after the end of the semester the Registrar will receive an end of term report from each college listing the Probations, Continued Probation, Dismissals and Suspensions, along with any pending appeals and the date the appeals will be heard. Probations and warnings may not be on every report, but instead entered on XSAC along with the dismissals and suspensions. Expulsions, non-academic and academic, are entered on SPRO with comments and reported to Registrar by email for processing. Expulsions may be done after, or during a semester depending on the situation. Non-Academic expulsions typically relate to conduct, such as Honor Code violations.
When we begin receiving the reports a Google Sheet is created to track processing. The End of Term Dismissals and Suspensions spreadsheet allows us to track whether or not a student submits an appeal, if and when it is approved, or denied; when they have been removed from professional classes, as well as A & S classes; if a curriculum change form was received; what program or college the student changed to; to ensure Student Terms has been updated; along with Registrar comments noted. This is a link to the Fall 2023 spreadsheet to provide a sample of how tracking is done. Probations are not recorded on the Dismissal and Suspension spreadsheet because they do not require processing the student out of classes, nor ending their program.
The spreadsheet is shared with several areas on campus including, Residential Life, Financial Aid, One Card, and all Registrar staff. This enable those areas to adjust their records accordingly. Column heading for the report: 2023 FALL - END OF TERM DISMISSALS AND SUSPENSIONS
XSAC – STUDENT ACADEMIC ACTIONS / sample of actions and entries