ASRS Faulted Container Inventory
This procedure will walk the circulation manager through container management options in the HK database for the purpose of identifying any potentially faulted containers.
Using a saved filter the ASRS Manager will check for faulted containers and revert them to Available as necessary.
Required Knowledge/Skills:
Basic computing, filter creation in EMS Control Center
Safety Issues/Precautions:
Working with the ASRS is inherently safe as long as the basic safety guidelines all students are taught in orientation are followed.
1. Log into the EMS Control Center application under Username: Admin Password: none
2. Click on the Containers tab.
3. Run the saved filter Faulted Containers:
a. Filter should be ASRSLocation.Status Equal Faulted
4. Left click on the hyperlinked Current Location (Container ID) for any containers that show up using this filter.
5. In the pop-up window the Status will read Faulted in red.
6. Click on Change Location Status at the bottom of this window.
a. Choose "Make Available" from the options then close this window.
7. Container should no longer be listed once the status has been changed to Available.
8. Repeat this process as necessary for any other Faulted containers.
9. This inventory should be run once a month to ensure that no container remains unavailable for an extended period of time.