Starfish Flags and Tracking Items

Starfish Flags and Tracking Items

It is important that a student's success network perform outreach when a flag is raised in order to provide support and resources to help the student succeed at Valpo.

Below are charts of the various tracking items, describing when to use each, and recommendations on how to respond.

Flags (Faculty/Staff Raised)

Tracking ItemDescriptionComments required for context?When is it available to raise?Student Support Network: How to respond?
Academic Performance AlertInstructors will raise this flag to indicate: a student is not participating, not performing well on homework, has missing or late assignments, etc.Yes• Manually
• Progress Surveys
Reach out to the student to meet with you so you can discuss. Based on your conversation, you can determine the best resource or support for the student. Use Starfish Referrals to alert a campus resource that you've recommended your student to their office. Once you have addressed, document notes in Starfish and close the loop by clearing the flag.
Attendance ConcernThis flag is raised by the instructor when the student has only attended class a few times or does not regularly attend.No• Manually
• Attendance Surveys
• Progress Surveys
Reach out to the student to meet with you so you can discuss. Learn if there are any factors causing the student to miss class. Offer support with time management tips. Act as a liaison in connecting the student with their instructor to review a plan for attending and catching up on missed work. If needed, you can determine the best resource or support for the student. Use Starfish Referrals to alert a campus resource that you've recommended your student to their office. Once you have addressed, document notes in Starfish and close the loop by clearing the flag.
General ConcernUse this flag to express any general academic concerns you have about a student that are not otherwise covered by a Starfish flag. Comments are required in order to provide context so the student can be supported.Yes• ManuallyReach out to the student to meet with you so you can learn more about the situation. There are many offices and resources on campus that can help support our students. Make sure to connect them as needed. Use Starfish Referrals to alert a campus resource that you've recommended your student to their office. Once you have addressed, document notes in Starfish and close the loop by clearing the flag.
In Danger of FailingRaise this when a student is in danger of failing a course.Yes• Manually
• Progress Surveys
Reach out to the student and strongly encourage them to meet with their instructor to see if they can still complete the course with a passing grade. If so, help facilitate a plan to get them back on track, if needed. If the student is in a situation where they are not able to complete the course with a passing grade, walk them through their options (withdraw if within window to do so, etc.). Once you have addressed, document notes in Starfish and close the loop by clearing the flag.
Low Quiz/Exam ScoresRaise this when a student receives a poor grade on a quiz or test.Yes• Manually
• Progress Surveys
Reach out to the student to meet with you so you can discuss. Recommend they meet with their instructor to review the quiz/exam and ask for tips on how to better prepare for future quizzes/exams. If needed, use Starfish Referrals to alert a campus resource that you've recommended your student to their office. Once you have addressed, document notes in Starfish and close the loop by clearing the flag.
Missing Textbook/Course MaterialsUse this flag if a student is missing their textbook and/or other required course materials.Yes• Manually
• Attendance Surveys
• Progress Surveys
When this flag is raised, students receive an email letting them know textbooks and course materials that are available through our University bookstore can be charged to their student account and paid throughout the semester rather than all at once at the time of purchase. Follow up with your student to make sure they are able to make the purchase through the University bookstore. Once you have addressed, document notes in Starfish and close the loop by clearing the flag.
Multiple FlagsThis automated system flag is used to notify advisors if a student has accumulated 3+ flags. This can be used to help prioritize caseload managementN/A• System generatedReach out to the student to discuss the situation and determine what is feasible for them to successfully complete the semester. Utilize campus resources and help the student reach out to faculty to set up a plan to remedy the situation. Once you have addressed, document notes in Starfish and close the loop by clearing the flag.
No ShowUse this flag to indicate that a student has never attended your class.No• Manually
• Attendance Surveys
Reach out to the student to learn about their plans for the course. In some cases, students think they dropped a course, but did not. You may consider helping them complete a CAPS petition for registration change after the deadline if the situation is appropriate. Once you have addressed, document notes in Starfish and close the loop by clearing the flag.
Non-Returning or Transferring: Early AlertUse this flag as an early alert to a student's success network that a student is considering not returning to Valpo or transferring to a different institution.Yes• ManuallyReach out to the student to meet with you so you can discuss. Based on your conversation, you can determine whether or not we have the resources or support for the student that can help them work through and resolve any issue that may be causing them to consider not returning to Valpo. Use Starfish Referrals to alert a campus resource that you've recommended your student to their office. Once you have addressed, document notes in Starfish and close the loop by clearing the flag.

Flags (Student Raised)

Tracking ItemDescriptionComments required for context?NotesStudent Support Network: How to respond?
I Need Help In A CourseStudents select this option when they need assistance in a course. Their instructor will be notified.Yes

Students can use the "Raise Your Hand" feature at any time and select one of these options.

Instructor: Reach out to the student to let them know how they can set up a time to meet with you. Once you have met or discussed, document notes in Starfish and close the loop by clearing the flag.
I Need HelpStudents select this option when they know they need help but are not sure where to start. Their advisor will be notified.YesAdvisor: Reach out to the student to learn in what area(s) they need help so you can best support them and /or refer them to the right resource to help them. Once you have met or discussed, document notes in Starfish and close the loop by clearing the flag.
I Need Spiritual DirectionStudents select this option as a way to to connect with our chapel on campus. Campus Pastors are notified.YesPastors: Reach out to the student to let them know how they can set up a time to meet with you. Once you have met or discussed, document notes in Starfish and close the loop by clearing the flag.
I Need Help Paying For CollegeStudents select this option when they need assistance with financial aid. Their advisor and the Financial Aid office will be notified.YesFinancial Aid: Reach out to the student to let them know how they can set up a time to meet with you. Once you have met or discussed, document notes in Starfish and close the loop by clearing the flag.


Tracking ItemDescriptionComments required for context?When is it available to raise?Student Support Network: How to respond?
Meeting ExpectationsUse when a student is meeting expectations, but may have room for improvement. This kudos will primarily be used for progress surveys. No• Manually
• Progress Surveys
Acknowledge their good work! (Optional)
Nice Job!Use for students who have done well in or out of the classroom.No• Manually
• Progress Surveys
Showing Improvement!Use to acknowledge when a student has shown improvement.No• Manually
• Progress Surveys
Thank You!Use to thank a student for their work, participation, etc.No• Manually
• Progress Surveys
You Are off to a Good Start!Use to acknowledge a student has had a good start to the semester.No• Attendance Surveys


Tracking ItemDescriptionComments required for context?Student Support Network: How to respond?
Academic Success CenterUse this to refer a student to the Academic Success Center.Yes

Advisor and Support Network: If you're meeting with a student and see an active referral, help connect them with that office for support.

Referred Resource Office: Reach out to the referred students to let them know next steps in scheduling a time to meet and/or use the services offered.

Remember to clear the referral once you have connected with the student and have a plan for them to utilize the service.

Access and AccommodationsUse this to refer a student to who may need assistance through Access and Accommodations Resource Center (AARC).Yes
Career ServicesUse this to refer a student to the Center for Career and Professional Development office. This referral is for students who would benefit from learning about careers, resume-building, interviewing skills, assistance with Handshake, etc.No
Financial AidUse this to refer a student who has questions or concerns pertaining to their financial aid or paying for collegeNo
Hesse Learning Resource CenterUse this to refer a student who would benefit from walk-in peer tutoring in math, physics, and engineering courses.No
Language Resource CenterUse this to refer a student who needs support or resources for language study.No
Library Research Referral

Use this to refer a student to meet with a librarian.

-Librarians can help students search for information and access the type of information needed for assignments.  
- Librarians can help formulate a research question and evaluate the quality and relevance of related sources. 

Office of Multicultural ProgramsUse this to refer an underrepresented student who would benefit from mentoring and support offer by the staff of the Office of Multicultural Programs. (Underrepresented by race/ethnicity, LGBTQ+, first generation.)No
Study AbroadUse this to refer a student to the Study Abroad office when they indicate an interest in studying abroad.No
TAO/Counseling Services ReferralUse this to refer a student who would benefit from additional assistance with stress, anxiety, depression, or other issues related to mental and emotional health.No
Writing CenterUse this to refer a student who may need assistance with writing skills.No

To-Do Items

Tracking ItemDescriptionComments required for context?Who can assign the to-do?Student Support Network: How to respond?
21st Century: Check ProgressCheck your progress and complete steps to remain in compliance.NoFinancial Aid CounselorsAdvisors and Support Network: If you're meeting with a student and see this is an active to-do, remind the student to complete it and/or connect them with Financial Aid if they have questions.

Financial Aid: File your FAFSAUsed to remind students to complete their FAFSA.NoFinancial Aid Counselors
Meet with Financial Aid: Assistance with Account BalanceIntended for use by the Office of Financial Aid only. Assign this task each fall and spring semester when a student has a Student Account hold (SAP) after the final payment plan date. This will alert students of Financial Aid as a resource in helping them determine available options for assistance in paying down their balance.NoFinancial Aid Counselors
Complete Student Intake FormAssigned to students as a reminder for them to complete the Student Intake Form within their Starfish profile.NoPrimary AdvisorAdvisors and Support Network: If you see the student has not completed the Student Intake Form, explain how doing so will help their success network best support them. Ask them to complete it as soon as possible. No questions are required for them to answer and should only take a few minutes to complete.
Meet with Asst Dean Adrian LeeAssigned to students who need to speak with an Assistant Dean in Arts & Sciences.YesMultiple student-centered roles

Advisors and Support Network: If you're meeting with a student and see this is an active to-do, remind the student to complete it and/or connect them with Financial Aid if they have questions.

Asst Dean: Reach out to the student with information on how to schedule an appointment to meet with you.

Meet with Asst Dean Anna StewartAdvisors and instructors may need to assign students a meeting to-do with Assistant Deans for academic or personal issues students may be facing.YesMultiple student-centered roles
Meet with Asst Dean Elizabeth DouglasAssigned to students who need to speak with an Assistant Dean in Arts & Sciences. Advisors and instructors may need to assign students a meeting to-do with Assistant Deans for academic or personal issues students may be facing.YesMultiple student-centered roles
Meet with Asst Dean Laura SandersAdvisors and instructors may need to assign students a meeting to-do with Assistant Deans for academic or personal issues students may be facing.YesMultiple student-centered roles
Meet with Asst Dean Deb SingerAdvisors and instructors may need to assign students a meeting to-do with Assistant Deans for academic or personal issues students may be facing.YesMultiple student-centered roles
Meet with Your AdvisorAssign to a student who needs to meet with their advisor.YesMultiple student-centered rolesAdvisor: Reach out to the student with information on how to schedule an appointment to meet with you.
Meet with InstructorAssign to a student who needs to meet with one of their instructors. (Course context required).YesMultiple student-centered rolesInstructor: Reach out to the student with information on how to schedule an appointment to meet with you.

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