Colleague Security

Colleague Security

Help us protect the security of the Colleague system by following these simple steps to maintaining security.

Step-by-step guide

Password lock your computer when away. Lock your computer access when stepping away from your computer for more than a few seconds. This helps prevent both malicious and playful tampering. To lock your Windows computer, hold the Windows key and press the letter "L." To unlock, use your ValpoNet password just as if you were logging in.

Use Google Chrome for Colleague UI 5.3 or newer. We recommend using Chrome for the best performance. 

Colleague UI test accounts should have the "Preferences" changed to a different color.   In the test environment, click on the "Gear" in the upper right

and choose a color

Colleague sessions idle for 1 hour or more will auto-logout. The Colleague login process is fairly quick so this should not cause any undue difficulty. When you aren't using Colleague for a half hour or more, please logout. 

Ending Rogue Sessions.   Access UI form:  XENDRS.  all of the sessions except the one used to access this form, will be shown.  Click the detail option and "Yes" in the end rogue session.

Still need help?

For additional assistance, contact the IT Help Desk.