Selecting Resources and Services for Advisor and Faculty Use

For a detailed list of Resources and Services, please follow the link to the new menu available.

The table below describes the uses for each resource or platform.

Schedule of ClassesColleagueSECT: Sections

Department Chairs, Program Directors, Deans, and Administrative Support Staff can enter and edit details for the Schedule of Classes

Creating the Schedule of Classes

Grading of assignments and examinationsBlackboardMy GradesEnter the grades for assignments, examinations, and other items that factor into the students' midterm and final course grades
Progress SurveysStarfish

Communicate participation and performance to your students' support network

How to Complete a Starfish Progress Survey

Tracking ItemsStarfish

Raise Flags and send Kudos for students

How To: Raise a Flag for a Student in Starfish

Refer students to the Writing Center, Academic Success Center, Counseling Center, or other campus resources
Advisee InformationDataVUAdvising - Advising OverviewView advisee details
Class RosterDataVUFaculty - Faculty OverviewView class rosters for all course sections for which you're the instructor of record
Midterm GradesDataVUFaculty - Faculty Overview

Instructors enter midterm grades
Communication with students regarding performance and informs support networks regarding any need for support

Faculty Resources in Colleague Self Service

Final Course GradesDataVUFaculty - Faculty Overview

Instructors enter final course grades
Impacts display of final course grades on transcripts and academic records

Faculty Resources in Colleague Self Service

Viewing PermissionsDataVUFaculty - Faculty Overview

View permissions granted to students for registration in restricted course sections

Faculty Resources in Colleague Self Service

Entering Permissions
Overriding Registration Restrictions

STPE: Student Petitions

SRWS: Student Requisite Waivers Summary

Grant permission to a student to register for a restricted course section

Overriding Registration Restrictions

WaitlistDataVUFaculty - Faculty Overview

View waitlist details

Faculty Resources in Colleague Self Service

To manage waitlist details, email requests for changes to