Use a Remote App Off-Campus on Windows 10

Use a Remote App Off-Campus on Windows 10

Many applications are available to students, faculty, and staff via our RemoteApp platform  As long as you have a ValpoNet account, you can take advantage!

These instructions are for off-campus use only, and require the use of VPN software.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Log-in to VPN via the SonicWall NetExtender software.
    1. Instructions on how to set up the VPN can be found here.
  2. Double-click the application's .rdp file that was provided to you.
    1. It can also be downloaded from S:\RemoteApp\RDP files
    2. In this folder, you will find many Remote Apps to choose from, so be sure that you select the proper program that you are attempting to use.

  3. On the RemoteApp login screen, click "Connect" to proceed.

  4. Enter your ValpoNet credentials, making sure to format your username this way: valpo\username

    1. The valpo\ is a crucial formatting piece, so ensure that you have entered this before your username as exemplified above.
  5. Click "OK" and the RemoteApp should launch in a separate window.

Log-out when finished with your remote session to ensure that it is ended properly.  

After finishing your RemoteApp session, be sure to disconnect your VPN session by clicking the "Disconnect" button on the NetExtender screen. 

Still need help?

For additional assistance, contact the IT Help Desk.