Use a Remote App on campus on Windows 10
Use a Remote App on campus on Windows 10
Many applications are available for students, faculty, and staff on our Remote App platform As long as you have a ValpoNet account, you can take advantage!
These instructions are for on-campus use only.
Step-by-step guide
- Double-click the application's .rdp app that was provided to you. If you do not have an RDP file for the application it can be downloaded from the S: Drive.
- To download a .RDP file for an application, navigate to S:\RemoteApp\RDP files\
- Copy the file to your Windows device.
- Double-click the application's RDP file.
On the RemoteApp login screen, click Connect.
Enter your ValpoNet credentials, making sure to format your username this way: valpo\username (ex. valpo\jdoe1)
- If you are using a lab or classroom computer, you do not need to enter the "valpo\" prefix portion.
- If you are using a lab or classroom computer, you do not need to enter the "valpo\" prefix portion.
Click OK. application should launch.
Still need help?
For additional assistance, contact the IT Help Desk.