Get Alumni Google Access

Valpo alumni are eligible to get a full G Suite (Google) account, which includes an email address, by following the process below. You'll also receive ValpoNet credentials so that you can manage your password.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Visit and select the Alumni and Friends menu.
  2. Fill out the form with as much of the requested information as possible and click Submit. Note that fields with an asterisk ( *) are required.
  3. Your request will be routed to the Alumni Relations department, who will process your request.
  4. You should receive an email message within a few days including your new Gmail@Valpo login information.
  5. Once you receive your account information, login to our Account Management System (AMS) and set a password.

You're now ready to take advantage of all the features and functions included with your new account.

Login to your Google account at - make sure to use your full Valpo email address as your login, along with the password you selected in the AMS.

As of July 1st, 2022 there's a maximum amount of storage that is allowed on alumni emails with a limit of 1 gb if your email exceeds that limit before this date your account will be deactivated, when this happens please send a ticket to the IT Help Desk.

Set a Forward

Got too many email accounts to check? You can set a forward on your new Gmail@Valpo account to redirect messages to another account of your choosing. Visit and search for "forward gmail to another address" for instructions on how to set it up.

Still need help?

For additional assistance, contact the IT Help Desk.