Tests and Quizzes

Tests and Quizzes

Blackboard has a wide variety of question types to facilitate assessment creation. These can be used for quizzes, tests, or drills and practice for students.

select tests, surveys, and pools
select tests
select build test

select create question
put in test information

put in question information
put in question information
select categories and keywords
under learning modules select assessments
add a test
put in test information
select test availability
select test date and time
select test availability exceptions
select self-assessment options
select show test results and feedback to students

For additional information and explanation about test options including specific details for Showing Test Results and Feedback to Students such as limiting access to test results, see this article at Blackboard's Instructor Help Site: https://help.blackboard.com/Learn/Instructor/Original/Tests_Pools_Surveys/Test_and_Survey_Options

For additional assistance, contact theĀ CITAL Help Desk.

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