10 Things to Try in Base Navigation

10 Things to Try in Base Navigation

  1. Check out the institution page, the go-to place to access valuable links, resources, and other content to help you get started.

2. Build out your profile.

3. Use the activity stream to quickly access the most important information consolidated from all your courses.

4. Search your courses and apply varying filters. Once you find your most important classes, click the star to favorite them.

5. Stay on task and click the plus to add an event to the calendar. While you’re here, add the course schedule for your courses and your office hours. This information appears within each of your courses.

6. Click the gear to share your calendar with external services to that your course events appear with other events.

7. View all your messages for all your courses on one page and create a message.

8. Explore what needs grading across all of your courses. Note the page only displays information if you have need to take action.

9. Review the tools available to you.

10. View your courses in Card View.

For additional assistance, contact the CITAL Help Desk.

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