Making Your Course Available to Students

Making Your Course Available to Students

When Blackboard courses are created they are “Private and Unavailable” to students, by default, in order to give instructors time to add content before the students have access to the course. When you’re ready for students to see the content, you will unlock your private courses in Base Navigation on the Courses Menu and make the course available within your actual Blackboard course Properties.

As long as the course is locked and unavailable, your students do not have access to the course. They will only see the link to their course(s) in the Base Navigation Course Menu, but it will contain a padlock graphic image and the word Private keeping this course inaccessible to your students.

icon pointing to private

To unlock your course within the Blackboard Base Navigation Course Menu:

1. In the right-hand corner of the course segment, click the Ellipses … to display the course More Options Menu.

2. Click Open course.

3. Click Open to Students.

4. The course is no longer private and unlocked now available to your students.

To make your course available within your Blackboard course:

1. At the bottom of the left-hand menu in the Control Panel, click Customization drop down arrow to expand the menu, then click Properties.

2. Scroll down to Set Availability. Change the answer from No to Yes. Click Submit to proceed.

For additional assistance, contact the CITAL Help Desk.