Procedures for Reiser Collection

Department: Technical Services

Purpose: Adding books from Ann Reiser's personal collection to the library collection

Required Knowledge/Skills: Searching catalog/Galileo


1. Galileo Search

Searching Sierra/Catalog
  • First search by ISBN
  • Next search by title
  • If match is found:
    • Check bibliographic fields: 245, 250, 260 and 300 to determine if it is an exact match
  • If no match is found, put on cataloger's shelf for full cataloging
    • Add bookplate
Variant Edition

a. Write call number and bib record number on slip. 
b. Insert bookplate
c. Put on shelf for full cataloging.

Exact Match

Add as additional copy.

2. Added copies. 

A. Remove any book jacket.
B. Insert bookplate. (Do not attach bookplate at this time.)
C. Attach item record using Reiser template.
   i. Note if a copy two already exists. If so, add as next sequential copy
   ii. Click on “Attach New Item”. Reiser Collection item record template will come up.
   iii. Check location against call number. (A-L use cgen3; M-Z use cgen4)
   iv. Scan barcode into item record.
   v. Attach barcode to book.
   vi. Save
D. Add a local gift note to the bibliographic record.
   i. Click on the Edit icon. The full bibliographic record will appear.
   ii. Position the cursor to add a 590 note after all the other 5XX notes
   iii. Use the F7 key to insert the macro.
   iv. Put completed volume on the bottom shelf of the truck
E. Count items as "added items" on statistics sheets
F. Complete processing slip and attach to truck
G. Take truck to processing area.