Procedures for Quality Control Check

Procedures for Quality Control Check

Procedures for Quality Control Check

Department: Technical Services

September 2009

Purpose: This procedure documents the steps we take for quality control of recently cataloged items.

Overview: This procedure will usually be completed monthly on records cataloged during the previous month.

Required Knowledge/Skills: Knowledge of Sierra Cataloging, Create lists and Statistics.

Equipment/Supplies: Computer with Sierra client. Authorizations for Create lists and Statistics


1. Create a list of records cataloged at CLR for the desired period (usually the previous month).

a. Retrieve saved query “Moellering New Books” list and change dates in the query. Save the new query. (This query with IVU in 049 field eliminates all temporary records and Su-docs).
b. Rename the list “CLR New Books (Month Year)”

2. Using the edited query search against the whole database.

a. Append the list for items which are cataloged but do not have cat date (i.e. Promptcat). Search for rec’d but uncataloged titles. Change date to last day of previous month.
b. Remove suppressed items (sort by bcode3), and remove any with bcode3=n.
c.. Sort by cat date. Problems will appear at the top of the list. Work through any problems.

3. Search for items which should be in reference, but are not.

a. Retrieve saved query “New Reference Book Check”.
b. Search new titles list just created to see if any items are misplaced.

4. Search the new titles list for other errors

a. Sort by bib mat type and cat date. Make any corrections. If the first record is “b”, mat types are fine.
b. Sort by bib mat type, item location and bib call #. Mat type will be sorted by call #. Make notes about any issues identified and correct. Problems will appear at the top of the list.
c. Re-sort. Look to see that correct mat type and bib record has reference to mat type.
d. Re-sort. Make road map of locations and mat types.
e. Export the list to Word document.

5. Other searches to do periodically

a. Books with incomplete 300 field. Use saved search. Sort by location and call #.
b. “On the fly” to find books without records. Used saved search.
c. Problem with 001 field. Use search bib location = main, bib marc tag 001 = OCLC

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