Procedures for Cataloging and Processing VU Concert CDs

Procedures for Cataloging and Processing VU Concert CDs

Department: Technical Services

Updated 10/29/2019

Purpose: This procedure describes how we catalog & process VU Concert CDs. Since this is a unique and local collection, these recordings and their records are handled differently than CDs in the regular collection.

Overview: The discs are physically processed before cataloging to facilitate handling. We are able to label them in advance because we use a call number based on year and accession number.

Archival recordings of VU Concert CDs require original cataloging. We are not putting archival recordings on OCLC at this time. (VU concert recordings commercially produced for sale are not part of this collection.) The initial cataloging is done by using a specific Sierra template to create a basic descriptive record with universal access points, and then completing the descriptive fields. After this core record is completed, the discs are processed and stored. The procedure below describes this process.
(Librarians will later review the records and create added entries as needed. Some of the later work can be done in rapid update, and is described in a separate procedure. )

Required Knowledge/Skills: Photocopy machine to reproduce and reduce accompanying program material; Sierra cataloging for creating records, MS-Word and MS-Excel to produce labels.

Equipment/Supplies: Photocopy machine, PC with IMLS login, PC connected to laser printer, labels.


Preliminary Processing

Usually the discs will be sent over from VUCA at the end of the academic year, with their accompanying program materials. The actual discs should come to us briefly labeled by hand with the date of the concert and either the name of the concert or the performer.

1. Put the disc in a regular CD case.

2. Photocopy and reduce as much of the concert material as reasonably possible and insert in the case. After the descriptive cataloging record is created, send the original programs to Archives.

3. Put the discs in chronological order and count them.

Create Call Number Labels

1. The first line of the call number is VUCD. The second line is the year of the concert. The third line is the chronological number of the concert for that calendar year. For example: VUCD 2008 001

2. Check the last number of the previous calendar year.

a. In Sierra, change the search box to “m Other call number” and search VUCD.

b. Look for the last record for the previous year. The next number in the sequence will be the first number for the current academic year.

3. In the folder G:\Moe\Technical Services\Labels\VUCD labels, open a new MS-Excel spreadsheet. In the column on the left, begin your numbering sequence. See other spreadsheets in the file for example. Remember that the first concert in January will get a new year and the number 001. Make as many numbers as you have discs.

4. Use the merge document to merge the column into the label template. Review the results and redo until the merge is right.

5. Print the labels, using the 1" x 1-1/2" 50 labels per sheet stock found in the 'Labeling Supplies' cabinets.

6. Check again to make sure your discs are in chronological order, and attach the labels.

General Guideline: If you have any questions or concerns at any time while working on this project, ask Stacy Fellers or Prof. Hogan-Vidal for help. Work slowly and accurately.  

 Create Descriptive Catalog Records on Sierra
  1.  Once you are logged into Sierra, click on the “New” icon at the upper right corner of the screen. Using the drop down menu to the right, scroll down until you find 'VUcdbib: CLR Concert CD bib'. Click on it.  You should then be looking at a template for the bib record. You are now ready to edit the bib record.
  2.  Fixed fields: Put the curser in the “cat date” field at the top of the record. Type t. The current date will be inserted.
  3.  Call number: The CD case has already been labeled with the correct call number. Edit and complete the call number field in the record. When complete the call number should have a |a between VUCD and the year (i.e. VUCD|a2012-038). Click the “Save” icon at the top.
  4.  Source of information for the bibliographic description:  If the concert program is in the CD case, use it as your source of information to complete the descriptive portion (245-518 fields) of the bib record. If not, use the information that is written on the CD itself.
  5.  For most fields in the template, you will replace information in capital letters with information from the program. Leave the MARC tags and lowercase text as is unless it is there as an example. Edit out examples after you have entered your data.
  6.  View .b1606415x as an example.

Editing the Bib Record
  1.  Title proper (245 field): The title consists of the name of the concert. Library records do not use traditional title capitalization. Capitalize any initial article, the first word after that and any proper nouns in the title. The title proper appears before the |h \[sound recording\] in the record.
  2.  Subtitle: The subtitle is date of the concert and appears after the |b. Put the year, month and day of the concert (in that order) after the |b. Spell out the name of the month in full (i.e. 2000 October 12).
  3.  Publication information (260 field): Only the year of the concert needs to be added after the |c.
  4.  Program note (500 field): Choose either one of the following texts and delete the other: Program in container OR No program available.
  5.  Contents note (505 field): Enter contents notes from the program. Use only the main titles of the work, not the titles of the sections. Separate the title of the work from the composer by <space>/<space>. Separate the different works by <space>--<space>. (See the example in the template). Click on the “Save” icon often while entering this note so you don’t loose your work. Click on the “Save” icon after completing the 505 note. Note: It is very important to get this field right because this field is indexed in the Sierra keyword index.
  6.  Performers note (511 field): List each performer noted on the program, followed by a comma and their role, if it is noted on the program. Separate each performer in the list by a semi-colon. (See the example in the template.) Click on the “Save” icon often while entering this note so you don’t loose your work. Note: it is very important to get this field right because this field is indexed in the Sierra keyword index and we will use it later to automatically generate author entries for the main performers. Click on the “Save” icon after the 511 note
  7. Production note (518 field): The place of the concert is where the recording occurred. It should be noted on the program. A macro has been set up for the two most common places. Use the F11 key for “Chapel of the Resurrection”; use the F12 key for “Dusenberg Recital Hall.” If there is no program, use either macro and delete the name of the building or room, so that only “Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Ind.” remains. Click on the “Save” icon after the 518 note

Remember: Accuracy counts!! Type all information slowly and carefully!! Ask if you have questions. Save often!!

Check your work before exiting the record. Click on the “Close” icon to exit the record. If you forget to save at the end, Sierra will remind you to do so. Make sure you do!

Final Steps

As you complete a batch of VUCDs, they need to be stored in the locked cabinet in the public area. Request the key from the student at the Media Desk. File the discs and return the keys. Leave enough space in each column of discs so that it is easy to flip through them to find a specific disc.

Take the programs to Archives, when the entire collection is done.