Entering RN to BSN granted courses in Colleague

Entering RN to BSN granted courses in Colleague

In the RN to BSN program there is a list of courses the RN student will be granted once the student completes the first course in the program at Valparaiso University. The College of Nursing and Healthcare Professions(CONHP) will then complete an e-form and submit it to the Registrar’s office via Perceptive. The list of courses a RN student will receive are:

NUR 203 NUR 210 IPE 213 NUR 325

NUR 341 NUR 351 NUR 354 NUR 356

NUR 425 NUR 458 NUR 480

These courses are subject to change. Please consult CONHP on current courses.

Once the “CONHP Application for Credit” has been approved by the dean in Perceptive then these courses can be applied to the student record via TSUM in Colleague.


1. Go to TSUM in Colleague

  1. Enter the student who will receive the credit

  2. In the bottom section “Other Tests” go to the first empty line and enter “CR…”

  1. Once you enter CR… you will see a selection of courses (see below)


  1. Select one of the courses on the “CONHP Application for Credit” and once one is selected (selection in the example I used is CR.NUR203) another screen will appear. This screen is the TEST screen. See below.

  1. The new screen should look like below. Notice once everything is completed correctly the “Equivalency” will switch to YES.

  1. Then click “Save” on the top right once you are done entering everything on the screen. Then click “Update”. Another screen will populate. See below. If you need to continue to add more, please do. If not, click “Finish” and you will be re-directed back to the TSUM screen.

You are done.


  1. If you accidently entered a test and need to delete it, please remember to detail into the EQUIV and change the course to “PR”. This will allow you then to delete the test from TSUM.

  2. Keep in mind that a THEO has be completed in residency

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