Searching Sierra for Gifts

Searching Sierra for Gifts




To search resources that follow the Gift Acceptance Policy and to donate or recycle resources that do not follow the policy


Searching the catalog and rejecting gifts and sending them to Better World Books or recycling them

Required Knowledge/Skills

Searching Sierra

Safety Issues/Precautions

Boxes are heavy when packed and care needs to be taken to prevent any injuries.


Valparaiso University's Gift Acceptance Policy, gift book slips, Better World Books' Material Guidelines, boxes supplied by Better World Books, packing tape, and labels printed from Better World Books


Step 1: Locate incoming gifts on shelves labeled "Incoming Gifts."

Step 2: Examine incoming gifts according to Gift Acceptance Policy and separate those that follow guidelines.

Step 3: Search those gifts in Sierra by titles, authors, or keywords. Try to search two ways.

Step 4: If the title is found in the catalog, click view and check the ISBN (field 020), 245 field (it should be exactly as it is on the title page), check the publication information (260 or 264 field), and if it is a book, check the number of pages (300 field). To find the call number, select field 90. Use "Summary" to move backwards and "View" button to see holdings.
• If any of this information is not a match, then the resource is another edition and "other edition" should be marked.
• If the resource is in the catalog and the information matches, then record the call number, circle the location (Law or CCLIR), and record the number of checkouts.
• If resource is not in catalog, record the ways it was searched.

Step 5: Place slip inside book or tape to DVDs and place on liaison's shelves.

Step 6: Take the Resources that did not meet Gift Acceptance Policy and compare them to Material Guidelines from Better World Books. If they pass, box the resources up. If not, place on a cart in staff lounge for about a week with "FREE" sign and after a week recycle (paperbacks) or trash (hardbacks) the rejected items.

Step 7: If the required number of boxes are packed, print labels from Better World Books and place labeled boxes in designated spot to be sent.

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