Policy Binding Requests from Faculty

Policy Binding Requests from Faculty

Policy: Requests for Binding Services

9 October 2015

Purpose: The purpose of this policy and procedure is to guide you when faculty or others asks if they can piggyback their personal binding with our binding shipments.

Overview: A number of years ago, we allowed individuals to combine their personal books or journals needing binding with our bindery shipments and reimburse us by check for the cost. The Finance Office made a campus-wide ruling over ten years ago that departments could no longer provide individuals with services through University vendors and be reimbursed for them. Since then, individuals needing binding services were asked to open their own personal accounts with the Library binder, HF Group.

Until recently, we could send boxes of personal binding with our shipments. HF Group has asked us to no longer do this. Individuals must mail their shipments directly to HF Group.

The minimum personal order is $75.00.

The procedures below guide you through helping an individual get started with an HF Group personal account.


1. When an individual asks if we can handle their personal binding needs, politely tell them that University does not allow us to do so, but they can set up a personal account with our binder, HF Group.

2.The HF Group Individual Pricelist and order form can be found at S:\CCLS\Binding. Either email the form to the individual, or make a copy of it for them.

3.The HF Group contact information is below and on the form.

HF Group
1010 North Sycamore Street
North Manchester, IN 46942
(800) 334-3628