Cataloging and Shelving Atlases

Departments: Technical Services & Circulation

Cataloging and Shelving Atlases

Purpose: The purpose of this procedure is to guide catalogers and shelvers as to the location of atlases. This policy applies only to atlases. Oversized books that are not atlases will continue to be shelved flat on the bottom shelf under the appropriate section.

Overview: We are not attempting to shelve all atlases together. Instead, we are striving to keep them in the LC classification areas as much as possible. Circulating atlases can be housed on the atlas stands on the 3rd floor, or shelved in the general collection. Non-circulating atlases can be housed on the atlas stand on the 2nd floor, or on the regular shelves in the reference collection. This procedures guides catalogers and shelvers to the proper location.

Required Knowledge/Skills: Knowledge of Sierra records and codes, ability to use a ruler with centimeters.

Equipment/Supplies: Ruler with a centimeter scale. Access to Sierra.


Circulating Atlases

1.Unless an atlas is specifically noted “reference” or “library use only” in the order record or on the gift or transfer slip, it will be processed for circulation.
2.If the atlas is 35 cm or less high and 30 cm or less wide, process it for the regular shelves (location code=cgen3 or cgen4).
3.If the atlas dimensions are more than 35 cm high or more than 30 cm wide, and the call number is M-Z, process it for the regular shelves (location code cgen4). Shelvers: put the atlas flat on the bottom shelf under the section where the call number fall.
4.If the atlas dimensions are more than 35 cm high or more than 30 cm wide, and the call number is A-L, process the atlas for the atlas cases (location code=cgeat).
5.Shelvers: When in doubt, check the location code in Sierra before shelving.

Non-Circulating Atlases

1.If an atlas is specifically noted “reference” or “library use only” in the order record or on the gift or transfer slip, it will be processed for the reference collection shelves or the reference atlas case.
2.If the atlas is 35 cm or less high and 30 cm or less wide, process it for the regular reference shelves (location = cref).
3.If the atlas dimensions are more than 35 cm high or more than 30 cm wide, process the atlas for the reference atlas case (location code=creat).
4.Shelvers: When in doubt, check the location code in Sierra before shelving.

Labeling of Atlases

All atlases that are over the 35 cm height and/or 30 cm width requirements are considered over sized atlases that will receive a label that says ATLAS on the spine as well as under the barcode. This label will indicate to circulation students that this atlas belongs in the atlas case rather than the stacks. This label and procedure applies to both circulating and non-circulating atlases.