Procedures for Handling Fascicles

Procedures for Handling Fascicles

Procedures for Handling Fascicles

Department: Technical Services

5 July 2010

Purpose: Fascicles are large monographic works published in pieces. It is a publishing format popular with German scholarly publishing companies. Fascicles are considered monographs because they will be finished someday, but because they are published in pieces, they are similar to periodicals. Fascicles have been handled inconsistently in the past. The purpose of this procedure is to unify treatment and improve access.

Overview: Even though fascicles have a monographic bibliographic record, they will be treated more like periodicals. Fascicles will have check-in records to record the receipt of parts. The check-in record location code will tell the receiver where to send the fascicle after checkin. The parts will be labeled like periodical issues. Once the parts are bound, the appropriate boxes will be deleted from the check-in record and an item record will be added. The contents note of the bibliographic record may need to be updated at this time.

Required Knowledge/Skills: Periodical receiving and labeling, periodicals binding, updating bibliographic records on Sierra.

Equipment/Supplies: PC with access to Sierra Serials and Cataloging


1. Receiving parts:

• Receive each part on a periodicals checkin record.
• Most pieces will be housed in Reference until they are bound so they can be used, but secure. Some may be housed in the general collection. They will not be housed in Periodicals.
• Label the part as if it were a periodical issue. Do not tattletape.
• Send the part to its appropriate location. Make sure there is a labeled pam box on the shelf to hold the parts.

2. Binding covers:

• Receive binding covers from the publisher on the check-in record.
• Do not send the binding covers to the collection. Store binding covers in TS if all the parts associated with the cover have not yet arrived.
• Order records should include information on the availability of binding covers.

3. Binding:

• Bind volumes when complete. Use the vendor’s binding covers when appropriate.
• After binding, delete the check-in boxes.
• Create an item record for the bound volume and send to its appropriate location. Some volumes may do directly to the ASRS.

4. After binding: Check the bibliographic record for a contents note. If there is a contents note, it may need to be updated when a bound volume is added.