Procedure for Replacement Books Based on Condition

Procedure for Replacement Books Based on Condition

Procedure for Replacement Books Based on Condition

Department: Technical Services, Acquisitions, Library Administration, Library Liaisons

Purpose: This procedure is used for replacements books due to condition and use.  

Required Knowledge/Skills: Knowledge of collections, ordering, replacement request form

Equipment/Supplies: You will need access to replacement request form: https://forms.gle/Bfc9GeS7wZMEipET7

Circulation/Technical Services Procedure for Books in Poor Condition
  • Books located by Circulation/Students in poor condition are brought directly to Technical Services.
    • The head of technical services will consider the book for repair or replacement. If the book does not have any circulation, is available online, and is not rare/stamped retain in collection- the book will be withdrawn from the collection.
    • In the case that a book is not a clear contender for repair/replacement, the item will be placed in the mailbox of the library liaison to determine next steps. A form will be attached to the book for the liaison to fill out and then the book should be returned to the “Incoming Resources for Technical Services” shelf located across from room 174 in Technical Services regardless of decision.  The form will indicate the possibilities for the book (whether or not it can be repaired in-house, is a candidate for recasing/rebinding, etc.)
      • If the liaison determines that the book should be replaced, they should fill out the replacement request form at: https://forms.gle/Bfc9GeS7wZMEipET7 . Library administration will consider requests and acquisitions will purchase approved replacements
Library Liaison Procedures for Books in Poor Condition:
  • Library Liaisons that come across books in poor condition in their subject area:
    • If the liaison would like a replacement reordered, please fill out the request form: https://forms.gle/Bfc9GeS7wZMEipET7
      • Bring book to technical services and place on “Incoming Resources” shelf along with a slip indicating that this item is requested for replacement
    • If the liaison determines that the book is likely able to be repaired (rebound, recased, wrapped or generally repaired) the book should be brought to Technical Services and put on the “Incoming Resources” shelf along with a slip indicating the item is in need of repair. Conversely, if the liaison determines the item should be withdrawn, place item on shelf along with slip indicating withdrawal (OR place on withdraw book truck and write a “W” on top of book).
Technical Services Procedures for Replacements Processing
  • If a book is placed on the "incoming resources" shelf and indicates that it has been placed on the replacement request form:
    • Add a note to the item record of that book "Replacement requested.  Located in TS on Awaiting Replacement Shelf" and change status to "r"- in repair.
  • If the replacement is approved, when the new copy arrives process as follows:
    • exact match (edition/publisher/year, etc.): Use the same item record.  Delete old barcode and enter new barcode.  Add note to item record "Replacement copy MM/YY" and delete previous note indicating a replacement was requested and change status back to correct code.  Process old copy for withdrawal.
    • different edition/not exact match: rubber band replacement copy to new copy and place on shelf for cataloger.  In item record for new edition, add note regarding replacement copy for previous edition/printing along with circulation statistics for future context in collection decisions and date of replacement.
  • If the replacement request is not approved, the head of technical services will check approval sheet quarterly and remove any denied requests from awaiting replacement shelf and withdraw the title. 

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