Procedure for Cataloging Writing & Citation Guides

Department: Technical Services

25 August 2016

Overview—LC uses a variety of subject headings for writing and citation guides. Since disciplinary guides are classified in the discipline numbers, a variety of classification numbers are also used. In an attempt to provide at least one way to unify this type of publication in our catalog, we will assign the subject heading Authorship-Style manuals to all such guides, even if the Library of Congress does not.

For examples, see

Note: This procedures does not apply to research guides, nor does it apply to general works on writing or writing in the discipline. When in doubt as to whether or not to apply the heading, ask a Technical Services Librarian

Specific guidelines:

Follow all other normal copy or original cataloging procedures. Apply the direct subject heading tagged as 650^0 Authorship |v Style manuals in any of the following situations:

• The record has Authorship-Style manuals as a subdivision under a topic or discipline.

• The record has Authorship-Handbooks, manuals, etc. as a direct subject heading or as a subdivision under a topic or discipline.

• We have a record for an earlier edition in our catalog that has Authorship-Style manuals as a direct subject heading, or has the subdivisions noted above.

• The Library liaison responsible for that part of the collection requests that the heading be added to the record. The request may appear in a note in the order record, or be given via email, voice mail or verbally.