Registration Services

Registration Services

Using Student Planning in DataVU

Course Registration FAQs

How to Find your Registration Start Time

Follow the steps shown under the "Find your Registration Start Time" heading in the Register for Classes in DataVU Student Planning article.

Registration Form 

When do I use the Registration eForm?


Registration is typically completed in DataVU under the guidance of your primary advisor. The Registration eForm or PDF form is only to be used in the following circumstances:

  • Visiting students – students who are visiting Valparaiso University for a summer session, semester, or full year
  • Readmitted students to Valparaiso University – when unable to register in DataVU

Prerequisites (Enrollment Permission)

I receive an error that I have not met the prerequisites for the course. Why am I receiving this message, and how do I receive permission to register for the course?


You are receiving this message for one of the following reasons:

  • You have not taken the prerequisite(s) for the course as outlined in the Catalog.
  • Valparaiso University has not yet received official college transcripts, official credit by examination transcripts (AP, CLEP, etc), or Valpo placement scores. You will need to provide the correct documentation to the Office of the Registrar.
  • The department chair has not granted electronic permission to override the prerequisites.

Contact the appropriate department chair for the course(s) to request an electronic waiver of the course prerequisites.

Corequisites (Enrollment Permission)

I receive an error that I have not met the corequisites for the course. Why am I receiving this message, and how do I receive permission to register for the course?


You are receiving this message for one of the following reasons:

  • You have not taken the corequisite(s) for the course as outlined in the Catalog.
  • Valparaiso University has not yet received official college transcripts, official credit by examination transcripts (AP, CLEP, etc), or Valpo placement scores. You will need to provide the correct documentation to the Office of the Registrar.
  • The department chair has not granted electronic permission to override the corequisites.

Contact the appropriate department chair for the course(s) to request an electronic waiver of the course corequisites.

Time Conflict

I have a time conflict with one or more courses. How do I enroll in the conflicting course?


You can see the scheduled class meeting times from the Student Planning - Plan & Schedule screens in DataVU. The Schedule tab shows a week view with time conflicts highlighted in red.

If you wish to enroll in the course(s) that have time conflicts, you will need to complete the Time Conflict Permission eForm. The electronic form will be sent to both professors of the courses involved in the time conflict for approval. You will register for one of the conflicting courses; the Office of the Registrar will register you for the other.

Add a Course (during Add/Drop period)

The Add/Drop period is still ongoing. May I add courses to my schedule on DataVU? Do I need my advisor’s approval to add a course?

It is recommended that you contact your academic advisor before making any changes to your schedule. During a semester’s Add/Drop period, students may add courses to their schedule on DataVU.

Add a Course After the Deadline (after Add/Drop period)

The Add/Drop period has ended, and I need to add a course to my schedule. What do I need to do?

Use the Registration Change After the Deadline eForm. This request is only to be used for adding courses after the Add/Drop period for the given semester the course is being taken. If the Add/Drop period is still ongoing, then you may add courses on DataVU.

Drop a Course (during Add/Drop period)

The Add/Drop period is still ongoing. May I still drop a course from my schedule on DataVU? Do I need my advisor’s approval before I drop the course?

It is recommended that you contact your advisor before making any changes to your schedule to avoid delays in graduation. During a semester’s Add/Drop period, students may drop courses to their schedule on DataVU; however, you may not drop all of your courses, as that would constitute a University Withdrawal.

Registration Change After the Add/Drop Deadline

How do I make a change to my schedule of classes after the Add/Drop deadline?


The following eForms are available online to allow you to make changes after the deadline:

  • Change Sections of a Course After the Deadline
  • Registration Change After the Deadline - Used for all of the following types of requests:
    • Add a Course
    • Drop a Course
    • Withdraw from a Course
    • Regular Grade to S/U Grade
    • S/U Grade to Regular Grade
    • Audit a Course
    • Course Intensification

Change Sections of a Course after the Add/Drop Deadline

I am either registered for a cross-listed course and want to register for the other section, or I want to change sections of one of my classes. What do I do?

For either scenario listed above, use the Change Sections of a Course After the Deadline eForm.

Late Registration (Starting Registration for the Term after the Add/Drop Period)

Classes have started, and the Add/Drop period has ended. I haven’t registered for any courses on DataVU. Am I still able to register for courses, and if so, how do I register?

Once you have confirmed with the course instructor that you will be able to make up any missed work, use the Late Registration form to register for classes if you missed the deadline during the Add/Drop period. Late registration for courses is dependent upon the approval of the Provost. As long as you have resolved all holds and the Provost approves, you will be registered for the requested courses.

To view any holds on your account, go to:

DataVU - Student & Alumni Records - Student Restrictions and Notifications

Waitlisting a Course and Registering

How do I get on the waitlist for a course, and how do I know if I have permission to register for the waitlisted course?


To add your name to the waitlist for a course, go to:

DataVU - Academics - Course Scheduling - Registration

If a seat later becomes available to you, an email will be sent to your Valparaiso University email address. It will include instructions on how to add the course and tell you when your permission expires. It is very important that you check your Valparaiso University email often, as you only have a 24-hour window to add the approved waitlisted course. If you do not register in that 24-hour window, your waitlist approval expires, and the next individual on the waitlist receives approval to register for the course. The expired approval will also remove the course from your list of waitlisted courses. You will need to add yourself back to the waitlist again for the course if you want to be considered for another open seat.

During the 24-hour window of approval, go to:

DataVU - Academics - Course Scheduling - Registration

For more assistance, go to Register for Classes in DataVU Student Planning.

Please note that for some courses, waitlist priority may be given to students based on factors such as major, minor, and class level to facilitate on-time graduation.

Independent Academic Work
Independent Study, Independent Research, Internship, Integrative Project, Research Project

What form do I need for independent study, independent research, internship, an integrative project, or a research project?

Please use the Independent Academic Work eForm to document the details of an independent study, independent research, internship, integrative project, or research project. Please see your instructor or advisor for assistance with the form and for a syllabus when needed.

Taking a Course for an S/U Grade

I want to take a course for a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grade instead of a regular grade. What does it mean to take a course S/U? How do I choose to take a course S/U?


Students may take one course each semester for a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grade instead of a regular grade, as long as it is not a requirement for a major or minor. (e.g., If you are an English major, you may not take any English courses for an S/U grade.) In order to earn the “S,” or Satisfactory grade, you must earn the equivalent of a grade of C- or higher. A grade of “U,” or Unsatisfactory, is awarded for the equivalent of a D+ or lower. With a grade of S, you will earn credit for the course; however, a grade of S does not influence your Valpo GPA. If a grade of U is earned, no credit is awarded for the course, and the grade of U will not influence your Valpo GPA.

To take a course for an S/U grade, use the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading eForm. You may petition to take a course for an S/U grade up to the first day of the fourth week of a semester. If you wish to take a course for an S/U grade after the deadline, then you will need to complete the Registration Change After the Deadline eForm, which will need to be approved by the Committee on Academic and Professional Standards (CAPS). Please include any extenuating circumstances that prevented you from making the request before the deadline. See your academic advisor for assistance.

Deadlines for registration changes and other requests are available online, both in the current Catalog and the Calendar web page. Add the Office of the Registrar Google Calendar to see reminders of important campus deadlines.

Auditing a Course

What does it mean to audit a course? If I want to audit a course, what do I need to do?


Students may choose to audit a course if they do not wish to earn credit for the course but would like the experience of learning the material. Students may use the Audit a Course eForm, which is sent to the student’s advisor and the course's department chair for approval. Use the Registration Change After the Deadline eForm and include any extenuating circumstances to make this request after the deadline.

Deadlines for registration changes and other requests are available online, both in the current Catalog and the Calendar web page. Add the Office of the Registrar Google Calendar to see reminders of important campus deadlines.

Once a student becomes a course auditor, they will neither earn credit for the course nor earn a grade. A grade of AU, which does not influence a Valpo GPA, is assigned to indicate that the course was audited. At no time may a student choose to change enrollment to receive a regular grade. Course auditors are still required to attend all scheduled class meetings. If by enrolling in the audited course, a student’s enrollment is 19.5 credits or above, the overload fee will be charged; auditing a course does not exclude it from the overload fee. If with the audited course, the student is at 19 credits or below, regular tuition charges are applied.

For more details, please read the Admission to Courses as an Auditor section of the General Catalog.

Intensifying a Course

I want to intensify a course. What do I need to do?

Use the Intensify a Course eForm to submit your request to complete a special project for earning one extra credit in one liberal arts course. The course must be offered for three or more credits. Variable credit courses cannot be intensified.

Deadlines for registration changes and other requests are available online, both in the current Catalog and the Calendar web page. Add the Office of the Registrar Google Calendar to see reminders of important campus deadlines.

Use the Registration Change After the Deadline eForm and include any extenuating circumstances to make this request after the deadline.

For more details, please read the Admission to the Course Intensification Plan section of the General Catalog.

Withdraw from a Course

The Add/Drop period has expired. How do I withdraw from a course?


Go to DataVU - Student Planning

Use the "Drop" button under the course from which you're withdrawing. During the first week of classes, before the drop deadline, this button will remove the course from your schedule, and you will not receive a grade. Between the drop deadline and the course withdrawal deadline, this button will remove the course from your schedule, and you will receive a W grade within an hour.

Please always speak with your academic advisor before making a registration change to avoid delays in graduation.

If you have any restrictions or account holds, please resolve them.

For assistance, email registrar@valpo.edu.

If you wish to withdraw from all of your courses, please refer to the instructions for University Withdrawal.

Information regarding the Withdraw & Refund Policy is available online.

Withdraw from All of My Courses - University Withdrawal

I do not plan to finish this semester and need to withdraw from all of my courses. What do I need to do?

If at any time during the semester (from the first until the last day of classes) you wish to withdraw from all of your courses, go to the Registrar Forms page and use the Change in Enrollment Status eForm.

If you want to withdraw from a specific class, but not all classes, please refer to the instructions titled Withdraw from a Course.

Information regarding the Withdraw & Refund Policy is available online.

Registration Priority Assignment - Need Access to Register in the Registration Period

 I am attempting to register for classes, but I receive a message that I do not have a registration priority for the registration period.


If you are a returning student and do not have a registration priority, which provides you with a registration start time, please email registrar@valpo.edu.

New students are given registration priority during FOCUS new student orientation. If you are a new student and have attended a FOCUS session but still do not have registration priority, please email registrar@valpo.edu.

Non-Returning Student

I plan to finish the current semester, but I do not plan to return to Valpo next semester. What should I do?

Students who will finish the current semester but plan not to return the following semester use the Change in Enrollment Status eForm to notify the university. The eForm is due before classes begin in the semester they plan not to return. After classes begin, the request becomes a University Withdrawal.

Academic Overload

What is an academic overload? If I need approval for an academic overload, what do I do?

Students may use the Academic Course Overload eForm to request approval for academic overload. Please refer to the General Catalog, under the Registration heading to a section titled Maximum and Minimum Credit Hours for details regarding the maximum number of credits a student may enroll in per semester before reaching academic overload. An academic overload (different than a financial overload) occurs when a student wishes to enroll above the approved maximum number of credits for their major in a given semester. Academic overload requests are sent to the dean of the student's college for review. The dean may approve up to 20 credits. Extra credit hours above 19 credits per semester will also incur an additional tuition charge.

Financial Overload

What is financial overload?

Financial overload (different from academic overload) is an extra charge for students who are registered for 19.5 credit hours or more in a given semester. Please refer to the General Catalog, under the Tuition & Fees heading, for the overload fee for the current academic year.

Concurrent Enrollment - Attending Both Valpo and Another Institution

I plan to enroll at both Valpo and another institution this fall or spring semester. What do I need to do?


Students who want to enroll at both Valpo and a second institution in the same semester (only for a fall or spring semester; permission is not required in the summer) must use the Concurrent Enrollment eForm to request permission.

For more information about concurrent enrollment, please read the Residence Requirements under the Academic Policies heading of the General Catalog as well as the Undergraduate Academic and University Policies available online.

Enrollment Status - Full-time and Part-time

How many credits do I need to be considered a full-time student? A part-time student?


Student enrollment status is reported as shown below during a given semester (fall, spring, and summer):

Undergraduate Students:

  • Full-time: 12 credit hours or more
  • ¾-time: 6.5 credit hours to 9 credit hours
  • Half-time: 6 credit hours
  • Less than half-time: 0.5 credit hours to 5.5 credit hours

Graduate Students:

  • Full-time: 9 credit hours or more
  • ¾-time: 5 credit hours to 8.5 credit hours
  • Half-time: 4.5 credit hours
  • Less than half-time: 0.5 credit hours to 4 credit hours

Still need help?

For additional assistance, contact the Office of the Registrar at registrar@valpo.edu.

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