Requesting a Batch Advisor Assignment Change

Requesting a Batch Advisor Assignment Change

Department Chairs and Academic Deans may request the reassignment of the primary academic advisor for multiple students using the following process.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Email registrar@valpo.edu to request a list of students in a specified department.

  2. When the list is emailed to you as an attachment, download the file.

  1. Use Save As to save the file as an Excel Workbook


  1. Go to the first blank column on the right and enter the Full Name of the new primary advisor for each row. Please be sure to provide the new primary advisor's full name to avoid any delays in processing or inaccurate advisor assignments. Do not delete any columns since they are needed to perform batch updates.

  1. Save all changes and email the file to registrar@valpo.edu.

  2. The Office of the Registrar will use this file to run a batch advisor update process in Colleague and reply to your request to notify you via email when the update has been finished.

Changes to the Advising System Beginning Fall 2020

After an investigation of practices at other institutions and of FERPA regulations, the Council of Deans has decided that all faculty will be given access to all student records. This will support faculty as they fulfill their mentoring roles by providing them with academic information in a timely fashion as they speak with students. In Fall 2020, the Student Educational Planning link will be added to the Faculty Menu in DataVU for this purpose.

This access, however, will be constrained by FERPA regulations that require that the faculty member have a student’s permission to access the files and that the access is limited to work internal to the university’s operations.

Further, beginning in the fall, each student will have a single academic advisor recorded in the Office of the Registrar. This advisor will be assigned based on the student’s first major and/or class status. All other advising roles will be removed.

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