ACAD Informer Reports: Finding the Informer Report that Yields the Data You Need

Academic Departments use Informer at Valpo to retrieve and explore data from Colleague. There are several standard reports that are useful to academic departments across all colleges. Below is a list of the most commonly used reports and a description of the data they yield.

Complete an IT ticket to obtain access to Entrinsik Informer Reporting Tool. Please mention your role on campus and include your supervisor on the ticket.







ACAD - Academic Programs Listing

Academic programs by department and college


ACAD - Advisee List by College, Dept, or Advisor

Advisees for a college, department, or specific advisor. Includes general student information.


ACAD - Advisee List for One Advisor

Advisees with major, minor, athlete, CC status selected by Advisor ID. General student information.


ACAD - Advisee List for One Advisor Add’l Demographics

Advisees with major, minor, athlete, CC status selected by Advisor ID. Demographic information.


ACAD - All Active Students by College or Term

All active students selected by College and term. General student information.


ACAD - Courses Taken

Students who have taken a specific course


ACAD - Credit Hours Check

Students who are registered for fewer than 12 credits


ACAD - Current Advisee List with Active Restrictions Not Yet Registered by Term

Students who have active restrictions and have not registered for a term. Generated by Advisor ID and reporting term.


ACAD - Current Christ College Student Courses by Term and Subject

Christ College students by term


ACAD - DA Remaining Coursework

Degree Audit report to find remaining coursework within a program of study

Future planning to see how many students in a program still need a required course. Requires running BEVL for the selected group of students PRIOR to running this report

ACAD - Degree Audit - Major GPA

MAJOR GPA from the Degree Audit File

Requires that the BEVL Process be completed first

ACAD - DEGREE_PLAN_TERMS Future Term Courses Planned by Students in Self Service - College

Future courses planned by students in Self Service searchable by college

Department Chairs may determine scheduling needs based on student planned courses

ACAD - DEGREE_PLAN_TERMS Future Term Courses Planned by Students in Self Service - Dept

Future courses planned by students in Self Service searchable by department

Department Chairs may determine scheduling needs based on student planned courses

ACAD - DEGREE_PLAN_TERMS Future Term Courses Planned by Students in Self Service - Subject

Future courses planned by students in Self Service searchable by subject

Department Chairs may determine scheduling needs based on student planned courses

ACAD - Dept Honor Society - Program

Returns undergrad students by program of study

Requires manipulation in Excel to filter for honor society criteria

ACAD - Dept Honor Society - Program Grad

Returns graduate students by program of study

Requires manipulation in Excel to filter for honor society criteria

ACAD - Grad - Low Grade (GRADLOGD) Multiple term

Graduate students with an active program who have earned a grade lower than B- in any term

Identifies grades over multiple terms for determination of academic actions

ACAD - Grad Active for Enrollment Numbers

Active Students by Term, Program, Level


ACAD - Graduates in the past 12 months by Program

Students who have graduated in the past 12 months

Updating Honor Society lists

ACAD - All Majors

Students for whom the major is active, regardless of current course registration. (e.g. 0 credits)

Recommended report for Academic Admins

ACAD - All Minors

Students for whom the minor is active, regardless of current course registration. (e.g. 0 credits)

Recommended report for Academic Admins

ACAD - Majors and Minors with Demographics (All Active)

Active student program, with no end date. Includes students regardless of current course registration. (e.g. 0 credits). General information.

Enter your selection criteria in EACH field prompted

ACAD - Majors and Minors with Demographics and First Home Address (All Active)

Active student program, with no end date. Includes students regardless of current course registration. (e.g. 0 credits). Demographic information.


ACAD - All Majors and Minors with Demographics and Local Address (All Active)

Active student program, with no end date. Includes students regardless of current course registration. (e.g. 0 credits). Demographic information.


ACAD - Majors and Minors with Email (All Active)

Active student program, with no end date. Includes students regardless of current course registration. (e.g. 0 credits). Email.


ACAD - Majors and Minors with Email Grad (All Active)

Active graduate student program, with no end date. Includes students regardless of current course registration. (e.g. 0 credits). Email.


ACAD - What are the Major Codes

ACAD- What are the Minor Codes

Lists major and minor codes.

Major and minor codes are needed to run reports. New admins can find their department major and minor codes here.

BEVL - Saved List Creation - Pick a Department

Active students by department

Export results to saved list. Name the saved list. Run BEVL in Colleague using saved list.

BEVL - Saved List Creation Pick a Major

Active students by major

Export results to saved list. Name the saved list. Run BEVL in Colleague using saved list.

The above list of reports is managed by the Enterprise Processes and Projects unit within the Department of Information Technology. There are additional standardized reports, please contact the team at for a full list. Data requests outside the parameters of these reports is handled by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness. Please see details below.

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness provides pertinent information to decision-makers in administrative offices and academic departments. Please use the Student and Faculty/Staff Data Report Request Form  to request information not readily available on the Valparaiso University website. A 1 to 2 weeks advance notice is requested when completing the form.

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