Learning Management System Sandbox Evaluations

Learning Management System Sandbox Evaluations

Learning Management Systems - 'Try Before We Buy'! 

Our longtime Learning Management System (LMS), Blackboard, will be transitioning to the new Learn Ultra platform soon.
Along with new features and upgrades comes a significant difference in the student and faculty experience.
With this in mind, due diligence suggests the university explore other LMS providers to compare features and benefits.

As a first step in the evaluation process, we are inviting faculty to participate in ‘sandbox’ test environments this summer and

throughout the 2023-2024 academic year for the following LMS providers: 

Interested in Providing Your Feedback?

Faculty who wish to participate will be provided with test environments and support from vendors, CITAL, and IT. As a part

of the review process we will be asking that all participating faculty evaluate a set of common features and provide feedback

on their experience with each of the potential new LMS systems. Faculty will also be encouraged to experiment in the system

beyond most commonly used features. Still interested? Request access here: 

LMS Sandbox Request

Curent Sandbox Participants

If you are currently participating in a sandbox, or multiple sandboxes, you can find links to the most relevant information below.

Each page contains specific information related to the individual providers:

Valpo LMS Evaluation Project Team Support

If you need support at any time from the Valpo project team, please reach out by clicking below and selecting the appropriate platform:

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