Student Restrictions or Account Holds

Student Restrictions or Account Holds

View Restrictions and Notifications

To view any student restrictions on your account and notifications, go to DataVU (Self-Service) and sign in. From the Student menu or the Home screen, you can view your Notifications. Restrictions highlighted in red prevent registration and should be resolved as soon as possible.

Descriptions and Contact Information

Contact the following offices to resolve account holds that are preventing registration, transcript orders, and other services at the university.


Restriction (Code)

Description and Contact Information

Does this prevent


Contact Admission - Transcript (AD)

Admission has not yet received your final transcript. 
Contact information:
undergrad.admission@valpo.edu or 219.464.5011

Athletics Equipment (ATHEQ)You have an athletics equipment hold on your account that will
prevent registration. This hold will also prevent the release of
transcripts, diplomas, or verification of enrollment.
Office of Student Accounts:
student.accounts@valpo.edu or 219.464.5101

Call Collections - 219.464.5101 (CF, CO, EC, ED, EH, EP, NC, RM, WF)

Please contact Collections in the Finance Office regarding this
hold as some or all of your financial obligation to the
university has been referred to an outside collections agency.

Dean of Students - (D1, D2, D3, D4)Please contact the Dean of Students at 219.464.5211. You will
not be able to register for classes or be readmitted to the
university until this hold has been resolved.

Finance Office - Exit Interview (FO)

Please contact the Finance Office regarding this hold.

Financial Aid Hold (FA)

You have outstanding paperwork with the Office of Financial Aid
that may also be affecting your student accounts balance. Please
contact the Office of Financial Aid.
finaid@valpo.edu or 219.464.5015

Graduate Office Admission (GAC)

You have a hold from the Office of Graduate Admission
regarding your required admission materials.
Contact information:
grad@valpo.edu or 219.464.5313


Health Center (HC)

Complete your Health Center requirements in the HC Patient Portal at valpo.edu/student-health-center
For assistance, contact health.center@valpo.edu or 219.464.5060.


Contact Housing Office (HO)

You have a hold from the Housing Office/Residential Life.
Contact information:
residential.life@valpo.edu or 219.464.5413

Library Hold (LI)You owe either materials or fines to the library. Until this
hold is resolved, you will not be able to receive any
documents including transcripts, verifications, or
a diploma. Please contact the front desk of the library as soon
as possible.
library@valpo.edu or 219.464.5500

Parking Fine - See Parking Office (PDF)

Please contact parking@valpo.edu

Key Hold - Facilities (PPS)

Please contact facilities.management@valpo.edu
or 219.464.5132 to discuss outstanding keys. 

Registration Hold (ROR)

Please contact the Office of the Registrar to discuss the
hold on your account. This hold prevents registration
but does not prevent the release of transcripts or a diploma.
Contact information:
registrar@valpo.edu or 219.464.5212


Contact Student Accounts - Payment Agreement Form Needed (SAF)

This hold type is no longer in use.
To learn more, read the article titled Required Agreement Completion in Self Service.

You have not completed your payment agreement form. Please
go to admission.valpo.edu/apply/status. Use your personal email
that you used during your admission process to sign in.
Office of Student Accounts:
student.accounts@valpo.edu or 219.464.5101

Student Accounts

SAD - Student Accounts Balance<$3,000
SAMP1 - Regarding payment plan

You have a hold based on a balance owed to the University that
will prevent the release of transcripts, diplomas, or
enrollment verifications. For questions, contact the
Office of Student Accounts at 219.464.5101 or


Does not prevent registration

Student Accounts

SA   - Student Accounts Hold
SAP - Student Accounts Balance>$3,000

You have an outstanding balance on your account that will prevent
registration. This hold will also prevent the release of
transcripts, diplomas, or verification of enrollment.
For questions, contact the Office of Student Accounts at
student.accounts@valpo.edu or 219.464.5101.


Prevents registration


  • Balances over $3,000 prevent registration, but smaller balances do not. Student Accounts uses two separate hold types to allow students with balances under $3,000 to register without delay.
  • Students with a Financial Aid Hold should contact the Office of Financial Aid before contacting Student Accounts.
  • Student Accounts, Graduate School, Office of the Registrar, and Finance Office are located in Kretzmann Hall.
  • Undergraduate Admission is located in the Duesenberg Welcome Center.
  • Residential Life is located in the Harre Union.
  • Valparaiso University Health Center is located at Promenade East Building, 55 University Drive, Suite 102.
  • Campus Map: valpo.edu/about/maps-directions

For additional assistance, contact the Office of the Registrar at registrar@valpo.edu.