Reset Proxy Account Password Instructions

Reset Proxy Account Password Instructions

Use these instructions to reset your parent proxy password.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go to this web site https://datavu1.valpo.edu/Student/Account/Login

  2. You will be prompted to enter your user name. Once you have entered your username, you will be prompted to enter the temporary password provided
  3. You will be prompted to enter a verification code that we will send to your email account. Turn on Caps-Lock. Enter the new verification code your received in the email.
  4. You will be prompted with a Change Password form seen below.

  5. Turn off the Caps Lock. Enter the temporary password provided. Then create and confirm a new password and you will be asked to reconnect with your username and new password.
  6. Once again, you will be prompted to enter a second verification code that we will send to your email account. Turn on Caps-Lock. Enter the verification code your received in the email.
  7. Once you re-login, you will see the popup form similar to the one below.

  8. Make sure you click on your student's name before you click Continue. That will put you in your student's account with a green bar across the top showing you are acting on student's behalf.
  9. To access the student account information, click on "Student Finance".

  10. If you have already established with our bill payment provider, Transact, click on this site to make a payment: https://commerce.cashnet.com/cashneti/static/epayment/valpopay/login?isGuestUser=no . If you haven't yet established a bill payment account, click on this link for instructions:  https://valpoedu.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ITKB/pages/213024780/Grant+proxy+access+to+Transact+payment+site+and+making+a+payment.

For additional assistance, contact the IT Help Desk.

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