Perceptive Content Overview & Navigation

Perceptive Content Overview & Navigation


Perceptive Content is a process and content management platform that manages the entire lifecycle of a document from capture to disposition. Perceptive Content functions document workflow, task assignment, and retention for many of the forms used at Valpo. As a result, a working knowledge of how to perform common tasks is needed by faculty, staff, and administrators.  This documentation introduces users to those common tasks and provides helpful tips for general use of Perceptive Content.

Access to Perceptive Content

Permissions within the system are managed by Information Technology at the direction of the business unit or department responsible for the content (document type). If additional permissions are needed, please email helpdesk@valpo.edu with a cc: to the leader of the business unit responsible for the document or workflow (e.g. Registrar, Financial Aid, etc.)

Menu Overview & Definitions

The menus visible to a user will depend on the user's permissions. Tasks, Documents, and Folders will be the most common menus available to end-users.

1. CAPTURE: The function to add new documents to Perceptive Content. This is generally completed in an automated fashion, or by the business unit responsible for the document.

2. DOCUMENTS: Provides visibility to all documents that a user may see, regardless of whether they are active in a workflow or have been completed and archived. Best be compared to a physical file cabinet.

  • Views: Within Documents a user may have permission to a specific view, which functions as a filter to present a subset of documents in a list. Views include both a selection of documents, as well as the properties or keys that are presented in the list of documents. Views can be requested from IT with an email to helpdesk@valpo.edu
  • Filters: A filter can be applied within the View, and can either be a public view (created by IT and shared) or a private view (created at the individual user level)

3. FOLDERS: Contain a defined group of documents, generally related by the individual to whom they apply. They are indicated by a folder icon in the 'Item Type' column

4. TASKS: Assigned manually or systematically to users to review a document or folder. Tasks generally require addition of an annotation and to be marked 'Complete' by the assignee.

  • Task Template: A Task Template defines who may assign a task, to whom the task may be assigned, and actions to take upon completion.
  • Annotation: Annotations can be added to documents to add information, indicate approval or not, or to otherwise communicate to other viewers in a workflow or of the document. Text Stamps are the most common used in our workflow for approvals.

5. WORKFLOW: The path a document or folder takes through the system for review or approval by individuals or departments. Workflows are built and maintained by Enterprise Processes & Projects in IT.

  • Queue: A queue within the workflow identifies a distinct step within the workflow. Most queues require action either by the queue owner, or via tasks assigned to users. Queues can also be used to complete automated tasks.
  • Superqueue/Subqueue: A superqueue is often used in place of tasks when multiple permitted users may need to review or process documents within their assigned subqueues. Email notifications (alarms) are often set to notify users when a new document has arrived in their subqueue. 

Use Example & Related Articles 

Perceptive Content is used to automate all student facing forms along with many other forms at Valpo. Let's consider a student who is working with a faculty member and needs to complete an Independent Academic Work form. The process begins when the student accesses the appropriate form on the Office of the Registrar website. The student completes the electronic form. The form routes automatically to Perceptive where it enters the workflow and begins moving through an automatic approval process. The form routes and sends email tasks or notifications to the various approvers needed on the form. Perceptive assigns an approval task and as each approver completes their task, the form moves on. The last stop for the form is the Registrar queue where it is processed. Please see the article, "Approve a Student Request in Perceptive Content" for more information. And be sure to explore all the related articles on common Perceptive tasks.  

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