Scan & Link: COB Internship Forms


In order for forms to be routed to the COB - Student Documents queue in Perceptive, they must first be scanned and linked to a particular student record in Colleague. Once linked, Perceptive can "screen scrape" data from Colleague to route the form through the COB internship form queues. The following instructions apply to the Advising and Practical Experience Coordinator and COB staff that may assist with this task.

Colleague Screens

  • XRIC


This process requires the desktop version of Perceptive (Perceptive Client). See IT to have this software installed. 

Step-by-step Guide

1.Open Perceptive and login using your Valpo username and password. 


2.A pop-up menu will appear. Workflow is the area where Scan and Link is performed.


3.The first time you open workflow:

  • Click the small arrow to the right of "workflow"

  • Select SAF - Applied Learning Experiences

  • Select COB - Scan & Link (SAF - Scan & Link Superqueue). This sets your default to scan & link so that every time you open workflow, you first see this drawer. 

NOTE: Alternatively, you may click on Workflow in step 2 and navigate through the Perceptive drawers and folders similarly to windows file explorer. Use the plus and minus signs to open and close "drawers" to view content.  For this purpose, navigate to COB - Scan & Link (SAF - Scan & Link Superqueue).  

4.Sort by document type to scan and link “Student Internship Information” forms first. To sort, click in the column heading next to the word “Type.” A small arrow will appear. Click the arrow to sort by type.

5.Double click a form to open it.

6.In a new window, open Colleague.

7.Type XRIC in the search box at the top of the screen. Click Enter or click the looking glass icon.

8.Enter the student ID that should be linked to the “Student Internship Information” form open in Perceptive. Click OK.

The student file will appear. Review it to ensure the correct student is listed then,

9.Double click to open.The student information now appears in the background and the Course Sections Lookup menu appears.

10.Enter MGT-395. Click OK. Several offerings will appear.

11.Double click the offering that matches when the student will be taking MGT-395. Another Course Section Lookup pop-up box will open. Click Cancel. The screen will now appear similar to this:

Keep this screen open and active on one of your monitors.

12.On the monitor where the Perceptive form is open, locate the golden key logo.

13.Click the golden key logo to pull information into the form. After a few moments, the student’s Colleague information will populate into the Properties tab pictured above.

14.Once all information is in place, click “route forward” (paper w/blue arrow) at bottom of screen. 

REPEAT: Perceptive automatically opens the next document in the queue. Repeat the steps 1-14 for each document in the scan & link queue. 


Helpful Tip: Before routing, it is helpful to make sure all fields are filled in. Any fields containing unusual data such as "Inquiry field VAR7," "populated by script," " Window LIST.VAR1 row 1 Inquiry field LIST.VAR11," etc. will cause routing errors. Complete a help ticket to report errors and request assistance.

Missing information will display as: