Selecting a Form

The table below is designed to help members of the Valpo community to select a form to request Registrar services.

The Academic Calendar displays the deadlines for each type of request.

Please visit for more information and email with any questions.





Form Type

Information Needed to Complete Form




Form Type

Information Needed to Complete Form

Academic Course Overload

Request permission to register for more than the maximum course load permitted for your academic program as published in the Catalog.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Course Details

Add/Drop a Course

Add or drop a course from your schedule for an upcoming semester. The deadline for adding and dropping courses is shown in the Academic Calendar. Always consult your academic advisor before making changes to your plan of study to avoid delays in graduation.

DataVU (Self-Service)

DataVU Form


Address and Phone Update

Submit new or corrected contact information (address or phone) in DataVU.

DataVU Form


Appeal Financial Charge

Tuition appeals are for students who have withdrawn or have been approved to drop after the deadline and are requesting a refund or adjustment in tuition for that semester.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

Audit a Course

Request to register for a course as an auditor only. The deadline for this form is shown in the Academic Calendar. Always consult your academic advisor before making a decision to audit a course.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Course Details

CAPS: Exception to the Stated Graduation Requirements

Request approval from the Committee on Academic and Professional Standards (CAPS) for an exception to the requirements published in the Catalog, such as those listed below. Please consult your academic advisor for assistance with this form and include any extenuating circumstances.

  • Residence Requirement

  • Excess Credits

  • Absence of a Required Course

  • Shortage of Credits

  • Participation in a commencement ceremony other than the one specified in the catalog for your graduation date

  • Other Requirements in the Catalog


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Type of Request

  • Academic Program

  • Course Details (if applicable)

  • Documentation of Any Extenuating Circumstances

CAPS: Registration Change After the Deadline

Request approval from the Committee on Academic and Professional Standards (CAPS) for a registration change after the deadline published in the Academic Calendar. Please consult your academic advisor for assistance with this form and include any extenuating circumstances.

  • Drop a Course

  • Withdraw from a Course

  • Regular to S/U Grade

  • S/U to Regular Grade

  • Audit a Course

  • Course Intensification


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Course Details

  • Documentation of Any Extenuating Circumstances Causing the Student to Miss the Deadline

Change in Enrollment Status

Notify the university that you wish to change your enrollment status in one of two ways:

  • Inform the university that you do not intend to register for classes in the upcoming academic term.

  • Withdraw from all courses for the current term.

Please consult your academic advisor before requesting a change in enrollment status.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Phone Number

  • Reason for Change in Enrollment Status

Change Sections of a Course After the Deadline

Request to change from one section of a course to another after the deadline for adding and dropping courses. During the first week of classes, students may change sections online through DataVU. This form may also be used to change between cross-listed course sections. The deadline for this form is shown in the Academic Calendar.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Details of Original Course Section

  • Details of New Course Section being Requested

Concurrent Enrollment

Request permission to enroll in courses at two institutions in the same semester with the intention to transfer credit.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Term and Year Being Requested

  • Institution Name

  • Course Details

Course Substitution

Request that a course be allowed to meet the requirement for another course shown in the catalog and on the degree audit in DataVU.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Academic Program

  • Course Details

  • Requirement Details

Curriculum Change - Undergraduate

Change your program of study by adding or removing majors or minors. Always consult your academic advisor before making changes to your plan of study to avoid delays in graduation.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • College(s) Associated with Request (Will you change colleges within Valpo?)

  • Degree and Catalog Year (Will you change degree program or meet requirements in a different catalog year?)

  • Majors and Minors to be Kept, Added, Dropped, or Changed

Curriculum Change - Graduate

Request to change from one graduate program into another. (Subject to meeting admission requirements) Always consult your academic advisor before making changes to your plan of study to avoid delays in graduation.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Current Academic Program Details

  • Requested New Academic Program Details (if applicable)

  • Requested Certificate Details (if applicable)

  • Catalog Year Change Details (if applicable)

  • Any Supporting Documentation of Rationale

Diploma Request

Valpo graduates order digital and print diplomas and certificates through Parchment, the same vendor that provides official Valpo transcripts.

We have improved the diploma ordering experience! New graduates receive an email with instructions for claiming their diploma or certificate. The Parchment replacement diploma ordering button is only for ordering a replacement or duplicate diploma, which has a fee. If you’re a graduation candidate, please wait until you receive an email from Parchment within 30 days of completing your program for your free diploma.



  • Diploma Shipping Address for Confirmation

Financial Overload Charge Appeal

Request an exception to the undergraduate overload tuition charge for exceeding 19 credit hours in an academic term.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Term and Year Associated with Request

  • Number of Credits Taken that Term

  • Supporting Documentation

Independent Academic Work (IAW)

Submit complete details required for registration in Independent Study, Independent Research, Internship, Integrative Project, or Research Project.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Details of IAW to be Done (type, term, year, course number, credits, title, instructor)

  • Substance of Project

  • Method of Evaluation

  • Syllabus (Upload)

  • Any Additional Documentation

Individualized Program

With assistance from an academic advisor or assistant dean, request to create or edit an Individualized Program (major or minor). Please see the Catalog for more information.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Title of Individualized Program

  • Advisor Name

  • Details of All Courses Required (subject, number, credit hours)

  • Total Credits of Individualized Program

Intensify a Course

Request to intensify a course. Please see the Catalog for more information. The deadline for this form is shown in the Academic Calendar. Always consult your academic advisor before making changes to your registration and plan of study.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Course Details

  • Reason for Request

  • Any Supporting Documentation

Late Registration

Request enrollment in classes after the deadline for adding and dropping courses as shown in the Academic Calendar. Always consult your academic advisor before registration.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Advisor Name

  • College and Academic Program

  • Course Details

  • Alternate Course Details (in case the first choice is full)

Leave of Absence

To accommodate students who have attended as a full-time student for at least one full semester, is in good academic standing, and needs to take an interruption from their studies for a semester.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Mailing Address

  • Dates Leaving and Returning

  • Reason

  • Any Supporting Documentation

Name Change

Process in which students use to legally change their name as a result of marriage, divorce, changes in identity, or for other reasons, as documented by a court order, specific to state laws, or regulations in the country in which they reside.


Preferred First Name Request

Used to accommodate students who would like to have an acceptable nickname to go by while attending Valpo.

DataVU Form


Proxy - Allow Parent/Guest Access

Request access for parents or other guests to view specified information such as financial, grade, schedule, and other details.

DataVU (Self-Service)

DataVU Form

  • Parent Email Address


Students who have previously attended Valparaiso University and want to return to enroll in classes will need to complete an Application for Readmission.

Admission Application Management Portal

Online Form


Readmission for Graduation Only

Students who have previously attended Valparaiso University and want to return only for graduation must complete a petition for Administrative Readmission for Graduation.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Phone Number

  • Current Address

  • College and Academic Program

  • Last Term Enrolled at Valpo

  • Reason for Interruption of Work

  • Education Institutions Attended Since Last Enrolled at Valpo (with Locations and Dates of Attendance)

  • Any Supporting Documentation


Registration is typically handled online through DataVU.  This form is an alternative in rare cases where students cannot use DataVU.


  • Visiting students – students who are visiting Valparaiso University for a summer session, semester, or full year

  • Readmitted students to Valparaiso University – when unable to register in DataVU


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Advisor Name

  • College and Academic Program

  • Course Details

  • Alternate Course Details (in case the first choice is full)

Registration Change After the Deadline

Request a registration change after the deadline published in the Academic Calendar. Please consult your academic advisor for assistance with this form and include any extenuating circumstances. Always consult your academic advisor before making changes to your plan of study to avoid delays in graduation.

  • Add a Course

  • Drop a Course

  • Withdraw from a Course

  • Regular to S/U Grade

  • S/U to Regular Grade

  • Audit a Course

  • Course Intensification


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Type of Request (add, drop, withdraw, S/U grading, audit, intensify)

  • Course Details

  • Reason for Request

  • Documentation of Any Extenuating Circumstances Causing the Student to Miss the Deadline

Request for Campus Affiliation

Used instead of registration as a means for students to access campus resources to complete assignments or partake in research projects.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Access Dates Being Requested

  • Course Details (if applicable)

  • Program or Project Details (if applicable)

  • Valparaiso University Contact for this Affiliation (email address)

  • Any Supporting Documentation

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading

Request Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading in a course. Please see the Catalog for more information. The deadline for this form is shown in the Academic Calendar. Always consult your academic advisor before making a decision to audit a course.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Course Details

Student Data Report Request

Faculty and Staff members may request information not readily available on the Valparaiso University website. If you have any questions regarding your request, please send an email to


Time Conflict Permission

Request permission to enroll in courses that have a scheduling conflict. Contact the instructor of each course to find out if an exception to the schedule is possible. Always consult your academic advisor before making changes to your plan of study to avoid delays in graduation.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Details of Conflicting Course Sections

  • Agreed Upon Resolution of Time Conflict (discuss with instructors of both courses)

Transcript Order

The link for placing a transcript order online through our official vendor, Parchment, is located on the Transcript page.


  • Credit Card

  • Recipient Name and Address

Transfer Credit Appeal

Appeal a decision regarding the application of transfer credit from another institution


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Information About the Course to be Transferred and Institution

  • Proposed New Articulation

Transfer Credit Request

Request to transfer credit from another institution. This form is used to obtain approval from the faculty and indicates how the transfer work will be applied to program requirements upon receipt of the official transcript with final course grades.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Information About the Course to be Transferred and Institution

  • Proposed Articulation

Verification Request

We encourage all students to use the National Student Clearinghouse for verification requests. For those rare instances when a personalized letter is required from the Office of the Registrar, please use this form.


  • Valpo ID Number

  • Valpo Email Address

  • Student Information

  • Information to be Released

  • Form to be Completed (if applicable - upload)

  • Delivery Instructions

Withdraw from a Course

Submit a request to withdraw from a course. The course withdrawal deadline is shown in the Academic Calendar. Always consult your academic advisor before making changes to your plan of study to avoid delays in graduation.

DataVU (Self-Service)

DataVU Form