Adjusting Course Section Caps

Adjusting Course Section Caps

Department chairs and program directors may request training and access to update course section caps during registration. Please email registrar@valpo.edu if you would like training and access.

Capacity, Room Assignment, and Data Analysis

In Fall 2024, department chairs, program directors, and deans reviewed three years of registration data and calculated a Schedule Capacity for every course Valpo offers. This allows the Registrar team to assign classrooms more accurately and earlier. It is also essential for workload and course fill rate calculations. Please do not edit the Schedule Capacity field. You can increase the Section Capacity until it reaches the Schedule Capacity only.

Table of Contents

Adjusting Course Section Capacity (Cap)

  1. Go to the Administrative Links page.
  2. Under Ellucian Colleague, click on the Colleague UI Production link. Example: UI 5.17
  3. Use your ValpoNet credentials to log in.
  4. Type SRES into the Form Search field at the top of the screen to navigate to the Section Restrictions form.
  5. Type the course section details (term, course, and section) into the Course Section LookUp field.
  6. The results of your search will be shown in a list. Select and open the course section to edit. You can either click on the course section and click the Open button, or you can double-click on the course section.
  7. Type the new capacity numbers in the fields at the top of the form. See the Definitions section below for assistance.
    1. Please do not edit other fields in this form; contact the Office of the Registrar for assistance.
  8. Click the Save All button at the top of the form.

Consider the size of the classroom if you are adjusting the cap for a course that has already been assigned a room.

Please do not edit the Schedule Capacity field. You can increase the Section Capacity until it reaches the Schedule Capacity only.


  • Section Capacity: the maximum number of students that can be enrolled in this section
    The Registration module refers to the maximum number you define in this field to determine whether the section is full.
  • Schedule Capacity: a number that is now used by the Registration module to indicate "real" capacity
    For example, you might enter 85 in the Section Capacity field and 100 in this field to show that 100 people can really register for the section, which leaves 15 seats in reserve.
    This field is used to match sections to rooms of the right capacity. Please do not edit the Schedule Capacity field.
  • Minimum Enrollment: minimum number of students enrolled before this section can be offered
  • Global Capacity: the maximum number of students who can enroll in the combined sections of the cross-list
    Colleague uses the global capacity during registration to determine whether a student can register for one of the sections listed.
    This is not necessarily the sum of the capacities of all of the cross-listed sections.
    If you leave this field blank, Colleague assumes that there is no limit to how many students can register for this cross-list.
  • Global Waitlist Maximum: the maximum number of students allowed on the waitlist to limit the number of students who can be put on all the waitlists for all the sections in the cross-list
    During registration, if the number of students on waitlists for all cross-list sections equals this maximum, the option to waitlist is not given for the next student who tries to be registered in any of the cross-listed sections.
    If you leave this field blank, there is no limit on how many students can waitlist for the cross-list as a whole. However, if a section has a waitlist maximum, that is the maximum number of students who can be on the waitlist for that section. If the total number of students who can be waitlisted based on the section maximum is greater than the cross-list waitlist maximum, the waitlists of all sections are closed when the cross-list waitlist maximum is reached.

Adjusting Global Capacity for Cross-Listed Course Sections

  1. Type SRES into the Form Search field at the top of the screen to navigate to the Section Restrictions form.
  2. Type the course section details (term, course, and section) into the Course Section LookUp field.
  3. The results of your search will be shown in a list. Select and open the course section to edit. You can either click on the course section and click the Open button, or you can double-click on the course section.
  4. Click on the button next to Cross-Listing to access the SXRF - Section Cross-List form.
  5. Enter the Global Capacity. See the Definitions section above for assistance.
  6. You may enter a Global Waitlist Maximum. See the Definitions section above for assistance.
  7. Please do not edit other fields in this form; contact the Office of the Registrar for assistance.
  8. Click the Save All button at the top of the form.

Colleague Time-Saving Tip: To return to the last course section you viewed in this form, enter "@" in the Course Section LookUp field.

Examples of Cross-Listed Course Section Capacities with Registration Scenarios

Undergraduate Course Section Cross-Listed with 3 Graduate Course Sections

The cap setup shown below would allow the following registration scenarios:

  • 20 graduate students and no undergraduate students
  • 10 graduate students and 10 undergraduate students
  • Any combination of graduate and undergraduate students up to a total of 20 students

Course Section:PSY 390 EVPSY 590 EVLS 620 EVXLS 640 EVX
Section Cap10101010
Schedule Cap10101010
Global Cap20202020
W/L Cap5222

Undergraduate Course Section Cross-Listed with 3 Graduate Course Sections

The cap setup shown below would allow the following registration scenarios:

  • A maximum of 10 graduate and 10 undergraduate students, specific to the section cap set for the individual course sections

Course Section:PSY 390 EVPSY 590 EVLS 620 EVXLS 640 EVX
Section Cap10433
Schedule Cap10433
Global Cap20202020
W/L Cap5222

For additional assistance, contact the Office of the Registrar.

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